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Change News Themes Home Top Widget To Home Top Left & Right Widgets

In this tutorial, you can use the code i have written and tested to change the default home top widget into 2 separate widgets for the News theme by StudioPress.

news theme home widgets

By default, the home top widget displays from one side of the content area to the other. This code will enable you to create 2 home top widgets which are exactly the same as the home middle left and right widget areas.

Before: Here’s what the home page widgets look like out of the box.

default news widgets

After: Here’s what the home top left and right widgets look like after the modifications.

news extra home page widgets

Here’s the entire code you need to replace in your home.php file:

Here’s the PHP code you need to add to your child themes functions.php file:

That’s it unless you want to style your new widgets differently.

Style Widgets Differently

Here’s the CSS code you need to add to your child themes style.css file:

Note: As the PHP code for the home page already includes the same classes as the home middle widgets, you do not need to add this CSS code to your style sheet unless you want to style your home top left and right widgets differently to your home middle widgets.

Change the classes for home top left and home top right in the home.php code if styling your new widgets differently.

echo '<div class="home-top-left">';
			dynamic_sidebar( 'home-top-left' );
			echo '</div><!-- end .home-top-left -->';

			echo '<div class="home-top-right">';
			dynamic_sidebar( 'home-top-right' );
			echo '</div><!-- end .home-top-right -->';


Customizing a WordPress theme doesn’t get any easier than this which took less than 10 minutes.

Learn more about duplicating home page widgets in Genesis.

Know of any other theme which enables you to change the appearance of your home page and add custom widgets as easily as Genesis child themes?

2 responses to “Change News Themes Home Top Widget To Home Top Left & Right Widgets”

  1. Brad Dalton Avatar
    Brad Dalton

    Hi Sharon

    That’s what membership is for. http://wpsites.net/registration/

  2. John Huotari Avatar
    John Huotari


    Thank you very much for this tutorial. I was able to use it to duplicate the Home Top, Home Middle Left, and Home Middle Right sections on our website. I haven’t changed the site layout yet using those new widget areas, but I hope to tonight. They will be useful to me because we’re starting to get enough content that I want to split the home page into two main areas at the top, one for top stories and the other for news that isn’t quite as high-priority.

    Again, thank you.

    John Huotari
    Oak Ridge Today (TN)

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