Checkbox For Styling Pages Differently

The code in this tutorial for members enables you to select a checkbox to style any single post or page based on your checkbox selection.

This enables you to change the header image, background image/color, CSS and any other elements on the entire page or post simply by checking a box in the admin screen.

Simple Checkbox

Once you add the code in your theme and custom CSS for each checkbox selection, you can then select any of the color checkboxes to style the page or post.

You can add as many names as desired which automatically generate new checkboxes added to single post/page edit screens. You can also customize the checkboxes and text.

Header Images

You can also add a unique header image based on the checkbox selected as seen in the above demo and style all header elements differently:

Background Images

You can also add a unique background image based on the checkbox selected as seen in the following demo :

Video Demo

Here’s the full demo showing you how the code enables you to add a check box on any single page or single post admin screen to set the styling for that page or post. It sets the header image and header styling, background image/color and styling for any/all elements on the entire post/page.

Here’s the full code for premium members:

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