The CSS in this tutorial enables you to display all 3 comment fields inline as seen in this screenshot:
Here’s the CSS which you can add near the end of your style.css file before your Media Queries:
.comment-form-url {
display: inline-block;
width: 32.9%;
.entry-pings {
padding: 0;
.comment-respond input[type="email"],
.comment-respond input[type="text"],
.comment-respond input[type="url"] {
width: 98%
You could also use this CSS in the Media Queries section of your child themes style.css file so each field displays 100% width once the screen size is 767px or less:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.comment-form-url {
width: 100%;
Might need to clear any server/plugin or browser caching if the changes aren’t showing up.
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