Email Users When New Property Listing Is Published or Updated In AgentPress Pro

This code enables you to email users when a new property listing is either published or updated. The code works in any theme with any post type and checks for specific taxonomy terms which you can easily edit.

Users can select to receive email updates based on listing price or based on other taxonomy and/or term specific criteria. Tested using the AgentPress Pro child theme by StudioPress, the code is written to notify users based on new & updated listing price.


Each user profile page includes checkboxes enabling users to choose which price range they are interested in to receive email updates.

In the above case, all users will receive a short message ( which you can easily customize ) every time a new property is listed or updated on the website in the $100k – $250k price range.

As a user, you only receive email notifications based on your checkbox selection(s). All other new property listings and updates to existing listings will not be notified.

Only Notify On New Listings

You’ll also find code which only sends a email when a new listing is published and not when any listings are updated.

Code Installation

1. Simply copy and paste the PHP code into your child themes functions file.

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