Genesis Filterable Portfolio Templates

The templates in this download enable you to create a portfolio custom post type with custom taxonomies.

In this example, the code generates a portfolio CPT and several custom taxonomies. The package also includes templates for the CPT & taxonomy archive.

Each item displays in a responsive grid with the featured image displaying full width of the entry container which produces a extended version of this tutorial.

The solution does not require the use of a plugin to create custom post types and taxonomies as the code to do this is included in this download.

In this screenshot, we only display the entry title and author name.

Demo Video

The demo video shows how each CPT & custom taxonomy archive display items in a responsive grid which resizes perfectly on smaller screens. It also shows how a fallback featured image is added to any new entry when no featured image as added.

Whats Included In Each Template

  • Code to add filters for each taxonomy
  • Code to add fallback featured image if none added to CPT or Taxonomy.
  • Code to display each CPT & taxonomy item in a grid ( Can use 2, 3, 4 or 6 column grid )
  • Code to modify the post info
  • Code to display the featured image full width of the entry
  • Code to add the featured image and override Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive > Featured Image settings if needed.
  • Code to add pagination to CPT and Taxonomy archives.

The code is tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress however it should work fine in most Genesis child themes. Some CSS tweaking may be needed for use on non StudioPress child themes.

Note : You can use these templates for any archive type simply by renaming the files according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy.

Code Installation

You can add the filterable portfolio code to your child theme or install a copy of the Genesis Sample theme ( Included in the download ) which includes the code pre-installed.

There’s 5 simple steps after downloading the zipped folder:

Step 1 : Upload the archive-portfolio.php & taxonomy-portfolio-type.php files to your child theme folder.

Step 2 : Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file in the download to the end of your child themes functions.php file.

Step 3 : Add the CSS from the style.css file to the end of your child themes style.css file, before the start of the CSS for Media Queries, and clear caching.

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