Genesis Yearly Template To List All Posts For Each Month In a Responsive Grid

This template enables you to lists all posts for each year on 1 page in Genesis. Posts will display under a monthly header so they’re easy to find.

Here’s an example :

You can display the posts in any number of responsive equal height columns :

The template includes CSS which displays your posts in 2 columns when the screen width reaches 1200px and then 1 column at 960px width as seen in the following demo video :

Demo Video

The video shows how you can set the CSS for media queries to display entries in a different number of columns at different screen widths. Entries display equal height regardless of entry content, entry title length and screen width.

Includes CSS Grid MS vendor prefixes for Internet Explorer. Also fully supported for use with Edge 16.

You can display all posts :

  • By year
  • Since a specific date
  • Between specific dates

Template Installation

Once you login and download the template, simply install it as a new page template and paste the CSS located in the download folders style.css file to the end of your child themes style.css file.

Register or login to download the template for members :

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