How To Customize Unordered Lists Style Type

In this simple tutorial for beginners, i’ll show you how easy it is to change the styling of your unordered lists.

If you’re a complete newbie, let me first explain the difference between ordered (numbered) & unordered lists.

WordPress offer 2 ways to create lists using 2 simple features in the editor which look like this:

unorded Lists

By default, most themes simply insert a small block or small circle next to each unordered list.

Looks something like this:


I’ll show you how to change that to something like this:


Style Sheet

By editing some of the CSS code in your child themes style.css file, you can customize the background and styling.

Note: Download a copy of your child themes style.css before editing the code.

Once you open your style.css file, scroll down to the section which looks something like this:

/* Ordered / Unordered Lists
———————————————————— */

Underneath you’ll find the code which needs to be edited.

To change the default block style of unordered lists to an image, change the code to something like this:

.archive-page ul li,
.entry-content ul li {
background: url(images/list.png) no-repeat 0 12px;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0 0 0 20px;
padding: 5px 0 5px 20px;
word-wrap: break-word;
text-shadow: 1px 1px #fff;


You’ll also need to upload an image to your child themes images folder on your server.

This is the image i use on this sites unordered lists.


You could also use this image or find one on


Here’s the style.css file which i edited in my child theme.

entry content ul li

That’s all for now folks.

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