Lifestyle Pro – Responsive Full Header Image

This tutorial, tested on the latest version of the Lifestyle Pro child theme by StudioPress, enables you to add a full width image to your site header.

Here’s the default header:

And here’s the header with the padding removed so that the header image shows full size:

This fully mobile responsive solution, also enables you to display the search box, social icons and anything else in the header right widget area.

This solution also works in most StudioPress & Genesis child themes.

Here’s the demo video.

1. Demo Video – Header Image

This video shows the header right width area content floating over the header background image as well as how the image behaves on smaller screens widths.

2. Demo Video – Logo Over Header Image

This video shows you how to float your logo over the header background image via the WordPress customizer as well as how it reacts on smaller screens.

Here’s the 2 minute setup instructions for logged in users:

After you download this folder, you’ll find a functions.php file and a js folder.

  1. # Copy the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions.php file.
    Step 1

  3. # Add the 2 js files in the js folder to your child themes js folder or upload the entire js folder if your theme does not include one.
    Step 2

  5. # Upload your header image to your child themes image folder and name it header.png so it matches the file name and extension in the PHP code.
    Step 3

Change Header Height

You can adjust the height of your header on line 883 of style.css like this:

.site-header {
    height: 200px;

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {

.site-header {
    height: 120px;


Or copy & paste the above CSS to the end of the Lifestyle Pro themes style.css file and clear caching.

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13 responses to “Lifestyle Pro – Responsive Full Header Image”

  1. Cheryl Smith Avatar
    Cheryl Smith

    I don’t have a js folder in my child theme, Lifestyle Pro

    1. You can create one. Or, send me cPanel/FTP login details and i’ll install the code for you.

    2. Try it no please. You’ll also need to follow step 3.

      1. Cheryl Smith Avatar
        Cheryl Smith

        What size is the image supposed to be?

          1. Cheryl Smith Avatar
            Cheryl Smith

            That worked, but I’m not able to change the height. I made the change according to your instructions:
            .header-image .site-title a {
            float: left;
            min-height: 250px;
            width: 100%;
            But it doesn’t make a difference. I checked in style.css and it shows there (I made it 500px for now).

          2. Try this
            .site-header {
            height: 250px;

          3. Cheryl Smith Avatar
            Cheryl Smith

            I thought I had tried that. Go figure.

            Thanks. I can work with that.

  2. Susan Sezgin Avatar
    Susan Sezgin

    Hi Brad, Sorry for the long silence. I’m back at this now. I was able to remove the site-container padding to solve the padding issue, but I can’t increase the header height. The header is also not responsive. I’m happy to share login info with you, but are my comments visible to other WP-Sites members? If so, I don’t want to share that info here.

    1. In which way is the header image not responsive? You can email me the login details or use on Facebook.

  3. Susan Sezgin Avatar
    Susan Sezgin

    Hi Brad,

    I’m having a hard time getting the height to expand to fit my header image. Right now the top and bottom of the header image are being cut off.

    Here’s the site I’m working on:

    Thanks! Susan

    1. Susan Sezgin Avatar
      Susan Sezgin

      I also want the image to go all the way to the light blue. Here is the url that I’m trying to replicate: I am converting an old non-Genesis site for a client and they want to stick with the same look…


      1. Please send WordPress username and password along with FTP hostname, username and password or cPanel login details.

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