Link Post Author Name To Twitter Account In Genesis

This code enables you to link the post author name in the post info ( entry header ) to the authors Twitter account as seen in the following demo video :

Demo Video #

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress.

You can also use the code to change the link text from the post authors name to anything else and link to somewhere other than the authors Twitter account.

Code Installation #

There’s 2 code snippets to make this happen.

The 1st snippet adds the Twitter URL and Twitter Handle input fields to the user profile page for each logged in user.

The 2nd snippet modifies the post info to link the post authors link to the URL added in the Twitter URL field on the users profile page.

Yoasts SEO

Note : If using Yoasts SEO plugin, no need to add the 1st snippet.

There’s only 1 step :

Related Code Snippets

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