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Problogger Style 5 Column Footer Widgets For Genesis

Problogger.net uses five column footer widgets to display blog post categories which you can see in the footer area.

These widget areas are populated with 5 custom menu’s which makes it easy to add or remove category links.

ProBlogger Footer Widgets

There’s other ways to display your category links in columns however lets take a look at how Problogger have done it on the Genesis theme framework and do something similar which ends up looking like this:

5 footer widgets

Code Installation

  1. Copy the PHP code from the Gist labelled functions.php and paste it at the end of your child themes functions.php file using a code editor like Notepad++.
  2. Copy the CSS code from the Gist labelled style.css and paste it at the end of your child themes style sheet before the start of your Media Queries.


  • CSS code for Media Queries not included.
  • Only works on Genesis child themes.
  • If your child theme already includes support for footer widgets, you will need to remove that line of code.
  • Probloggers design is copyright with all rights reserved.
  • All the code in this tutorial including PHP & CSS has been hand coded by the author and not taken from the Problogger.net website. (excluding the background colors & fonts)
  • Tested on the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress so may need tweaking for use on other Genesis or non Genesis child or parent themes.

 footer widgets for genesis

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