Remove Entry Title Over Essence Pro Hero Image

This tutorial provides 2 ways to remove the entry header elements including the entry title & entry meta from Essence Pro.

You can use the following CSS rule in the Essence Pro child themes style.css file to remove all the titles which display over the hero images on all page/post types :

.hero-page-title h1 {
    display: none;

Or the following CSS which also removes the entry-meta.

.hero-page-title h1,
.hero-page-title .entry-header {
    display: none;

Alternatively, you can use PHP with the correct functions to target specific page/post types like this :

Another option is to add the above actions to specific template files so the function executes when a specific template loads using the WordPress Template Hierarchy.

You’ll find all the theme specific custom functions for entry titles in essence-pro > lib > title-functions.php.

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