Remove Featured Image From Hero Header Not Archives In Essence Pro

This download folder contains the modified file which enables you to remove the featured image which displays in the header hero position when added on single posts in Essence Pro. However, it doesn’t remove the featured image from archives.

By default, the image added in customize > Essence Pro Settings > Header Background image is displayed on the front page and all single posts and pages when a unique featured image is not added.

Demo Video

Shows the on/off switch added on the Edit Post enabling your to show or hide the featured image in the header without removing it from archive pages.

Installation Steps

There’s 2 steps :

  1. # Install ACF and go to Custom Fields > Tools > Import Field Groups and import the acf-72991.json file like this :

    Step 1

  3. # Upload the header-functions.php file to the Essence Pro themes lib folder replacing the default header-functions.php file. Additional code has been added on lines 196, 25 & 227.

    Step 2

Usage on Single Pages

There’s 2 steps if you want to use the functionality on single pages.

Step 1 – In ACF Field Groups > Location, add this 2nd rule which adds the switch to all single page edit screens

ACF Location Rules Single Pages

Step 2 – Modify the PHP code for the conditional tag on line 227 in lib > header-functions.php from is_singular('post') to is_singular() like this:

header functions file

Download Folder

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2 responses to “Remove Featured Image From Hero Header Not Archives In Essence Pro”

  1. Amanda Christie Avatar
    Amanda Christie

    I’d like to have this functionality on a Page in addition to single Posts. I’m looking to have the Page not show a Featured Image in the Hero area, but still have a thumbnail image when pulled into a module on the homepage.

    Is there an option that I can select to make this work on a Page too?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hello Amanda. I updated the tutorial with the instructions on how to do this.

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