Replace Front Page 1 Widget Area With Slider in Digital Pro

This tutorial provides the solution which enables you to replace the front page 1 widget area with background image in the Digital Pro child theme, with a slider. The slider is generated using the Soliloquy plugin.

This post is based on this question from a member of the StudioPress community forums:

I’m developing a site on Digital pro and the person I’m doing it for has now decided they want “the picture on the front page to move” – ie. a slider. Given this image appears to be put in place and sized by a jquery, what is the easiest was to replace it with a slider to which the users can get access to change the images/messages etc?

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the front-page.php for logged in members below and upload it to your child theme’s root directory replacing the Digital Pro themes default front-page.php template.
  2. After installing the Soliloquy slider plugin, create a new slider named slider, add your images and captions and publish the new slider. The code in the modified front-page.php file includes the name slider so only works if you use the same name.

You can also remove the following code from lines 250 – 254 which registers the front-page-1 widget area:

genesis_register_sidebar( array(
	'id'          => 'front-page-1',
	'name'        => __( 'Front Page 1', 'digital' ),
	'description' => __( 'This is the 1st section on the front page.', 'digital' ),
) );

You could also remove the CSS for the Front Page 1 from lines 51 – 128 in front-page.css and the front-page.js file from the js folder if desired.

Here’s the modified front-page.php file for logged in members:


2 responses to “Replace Front Page 1 Widget Area With Slider in Digital Pro”

  1. Thanks for the informative Tutorial. What if I wanted to use Smart Slider 3 Pro instead of Soliloquy?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      This is the best solution in my opinion.

      However, if you want to use a different slider, you can simply swap out the function call in the code with the function call for your slider.

      Lines 80 – 81 would need modifying with your sliders function call to change the call from soliloquy to Smart Slider 3 Pro

      if ( function_exists( ‘soliloquy’ ) ) {
      soliloquy( ‘slider’ );

      Not sure what the function call is for your slider as i don’t have access to the supporting documentation.

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