Replace Showcase Pro Page Header Image With Custom Image

By default, the Showcase Pro page header uses the featured image as the background. The code in this tutorial enables you to display a custom image in replace of the featured image. If no custom image is added, the featured image is used as the default.

The solution requires the modification of the showcase_page_header() function.

Here’s the demo video showing how a custom image is displayed as the page header background otherwise the default featured image is displayed.

Demo Video #

The video shows a custom image displayed as the page header however when it’s removed, the featured image displays as the page header.

Installation Steps #

Simply swap out the entire showcase_page_header() function between lines 320 – 343 in the Showcase Pro themes functions.php file ( without the opening PHP tag ) with the code below for logged in members:

Download Code

ACF – Custom Fields #

After modifying the code, you’ll need to install the ACF plugin and create a new field named page_header as seen in the following image.

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