Use Infinity Pro Themes Front Page Template On Unlimited Single Pages

This template produces exactly the same as the front page of the Infinity Pro theme and can be used on unlimited single pages. Its a different version of this template and doesn’t require adding any CSS or other code.

Update : This newer version of the template enables you to import the demo content and setup the page template in less than 3 minutes.

Simply install the template as you would any other page template and add unique content & unique background images to each section on as many pages as you like.

Here’s the demo video showing you how it works :

Video Demo

Shows the page template displaying exactly the same as the front page template with different background images for each image section.

Register or login to access the template :


23 responses to “Use Infinity Pro Themes Front Page Template On Unlimited Single Pages”

  1. Daryl Johnson Avatar
    Daryl Johnson

    Question: if the other pages that has this template require different backgrounds in every section, how do we do that?

    1. Use this version instead

      You can then use custom fields to change the background image.

      Example : background_1,background_3, background_5, background_7

      If you install the ACF plugin, you can import the demo content and change the background images using custom fields as seen in the demo video.

  2. Cemal Ekin Avatar
    Cemal Ekin

    While on images and Infinity Pro, is it possible to present a full-width image or video when using the narrow width with no sidebar while maintaining the narrow width of the content area?


    1. Cemal Ekin Avatar
      Cemal Ekin

      This site uses Infinity Pro:

      and I wanted to display the video on that page full width of the viewport when it is wider than the content area and shrink to the content width when displayed on a device with a narrow viewport. Similar to the Revolution Pro theme demo:



      1. Cemal Ekin Avatar
        Cemal Ekin

        Brad, I was actually asking for a change in Infinity Pro and used the Revolution Pro as an example. I guess Infinity Pro cannot have full-width pictures and videos like RP.

        1. Tutorials are theme specific. The code may need modifying for use in other themes as different themes are coded differently. Infinity Pro uses full width sections which can include full width images and video. You could modify/add code to make different types of media full width even if the content area is not full width however that would require a different solution to whats already published.

          1. Cemal Ekin Avatar
            Cemal Ekin

            Brad, I have found a forced solution by placing the iframe embed code inside a div like:

            div style=”width: 100vw; position: relative; left: calc(-50vw + 50%);”



            I am not sure about potential undesirable effects but will do for the time being. I omitted the angle brackets because they were taken as full DIVs.


          2. Cemal. Thanks for sharing your solution.

            Another option is to modify the PHP code in the front-page.php file for your widget area like this

            Which produces this result

          3. Cemal Ekin Avatar
            Cemal Ekin

            Brad, I tried adding the virtual tour using the block editor but it saw it as HTML code rather than a video or an image. Granted, it is neither. I will look into alignfull and see if I can figure that out.

            Thank you,


  3. Alyse Mason Avatar
    Alyse Mason

    hi there, I’m trying to use a shortcode from formidable forms in the text fields on this page template and the shortcode is just showing up as [formidable id=208] instead of the form.

    You can see it in action here:
    u and p to access is fitapproach

    Is there a way to allow shortcodes in these text fields? Thanks!

  4. How do you create the custom fields shown in the image above? There is no image-1, image-3, image-5, image-7 etc in the drop down box for custom fields.

    1. Under custom fields, click enter new and add the name and value as seen in this image

      Here’s a demo video

      1. Custom fields have predefined fields in the drop down box. No option to enter random text such as image-1

        1. Thank you for the video tutorial. All is well.

          1. You’re welcome.

            Update : This newer version of the template enables you to import the demo content and setup the page template in less than 3 minutes.

  5. Craig De Borba Avatar
    Craig De Borba

    BTW – When there is no image present the Theme defaults to the gray colored background.
    I want to change this default color to black, how do I change that?

    1. I recoded the template to include a default background image named default.jpg you can add to the images folder.

      1. Craig De Borba Avatar
        Craig De Borba

        Using the inspect tool, it comes up as a background color in css

  6. Craig De Borba Avatar
    Craig De Borba

    Using this new template is much easier for images. Unfortunately if the images are not the exact dimensions it gets tiled. Is there a way to turn that effect off?

    1. Are you referring to the front page 1 image or all background images for all sections? You can use any CSS declarations for background within a div like this : [code]style=”background-image:url(%s);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;[/code]

      1. Craig De Borba Avatar
        Craig De Borba

        front page 1 image is the only one I tried it with

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