Custom Add Second Expiration Email Notification for WooCommerce Memberships


The code in this download enables you to set a second expiration email notification when using the WooCommerce Memberships plugin. You can customize the :

  • Email subject line
  • Body of the email message
  • Specific membership plan you want to target for sending a second expiration email notification using the membership plans slug


There’s only 1 step : Copy and paste the PHP code ( without the opening PHP tag ) from the functions-1.php file to the end of your child themes functions.php file or custom functionality/code snippets plugin.

Settings – All Plans

In functions-1.php :

  • Modify the email subject field on line 35
  • Modify the body of the email message on line 36

To target a specific plan, use the PHP code from functions-2.php.

Settings – Specific Plan

In functions-2.php :

  • Line 20 replace ‘your_specific_plan_slug’ with the slug of the specific plan
  • Modify the email subject field on line 45
  • Modify the body of the email message on line 46

You can find the slug by going to WooCommerce > Memberships > Membership Plans > Slug as seen here :


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