Ever wanted to install WordPress locally on your laptop or home PC?
There are several methods to Setup WordPress locally on your own Computer which are rather technical and time consuming, not to mention extremely boring and then there’s the Microsoft way.
Building a WordPress site locally has always been interesting yet always seemed like to much trouble until i discovered Webmatrix.
WebMatrix is a brand new web development tool from Microsoft that includes everything you need to build a website with WordPress on your local computer.
Build a Web Site Locally in 20 Mins using WordPress and WebMatrix
Microsoft Webmatrix offers the easiest, most affordable (its free) way to quickly install WordPress to your local PC. Why would you want to do this? Building your site on your laptop is far easier and faster than building it on the web. You can install plugins, change themes do everything the same, its just heaps faster and safer.
Installing a WordPress Blog locally and Publishing with WebMatrix
This tutorial will explore how to install, configure and publish a WordPress blog using Microsoft’s WebMatrix. WordPress is web software that you can use to create a web site or a blog. WebMatrix is a free tool that allows you to create, customize, and publish web pages.
WebMatrix can be downloaded for free at www.microsoft.com/web/webmatrix.
Here’s the step by step installation guide for installing and publishing a WordPress blog locally with webmatrix
Transferring WordPress to a Live Internet Server
Once your done, you can use the built in web deploy system to go live on any domain or host you have access to, easily. Simply enter your FTP after choosing the best web host for WordPress and click go!
The web deploy system offers huge benefits to WordPress bloggers including the best and easiest solution for changing domains or web hosts available. According to recent figures, there’s been around 900,000 download the WordPress export plugin so there must be a fair bit of content transfer and WordPress migration going on!
The advantage of using the Web Deploy system within the MS Webmatrix platform is that you can then download your full site files, or any part of it, including, CSS, PHP, Databases to your local PC for backup and work on it.
Is that the easiest way you’ve ever seen to install WordPress locally?
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