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Add Countdown Timer To Sales Flash in WooCommerce

This downloadable code is a combination of PHP and jQuery used to display a countdown timer on both single products and shop loop archives in WooCommerce. This timer is commonly used in scenarios like product sales where you want to show how much time is left until a special offer ends.

The code adds a date picker on the edit product page enabling you to set a countdown date for each single product. If the date is selected and saved, the countdown timer is displayed inline with the default sales flash. If no date is chosen, the timer does not display.


There’s 3 simple steps :

1. Copy and paste the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functionality/code snippets plugin.

2. Upload the countdown.js file to your child theme folder.

3. Copy and paste the CSS to the end of your child themes style.css file and clear caching.

Code Explanation

Here’s an explanation of each part of the code:

1. Enqueue Scripts in functions.php

This function ensures that the required scripts for jQuery, jQuery UI, and the datepicker are loaded on the front end.

  • enqueue_datepicker Function:
    • Enqueues the jQuery UI datepicker script.
    • Enqueues the jQuery UI datepicker style from the official jQuery CDN.
  • add_action Hook:
    • Hooks the enqueue_datepicker function to the wp_enqueue_scripts action.

2. Countdown Timer PHP and JavaScript in functions.php

This set of functions manages the display of a countdown timer on WooCommerce shop loop and single product pages.

  • add_countdown_timer_to_pages Function:
    • Retrieves the current product ID.
    • Gets the expiration date from the product meta using _expiration_date.
    • Checks if the expiration date is not empty.
    • Echoes HTML code containing a span with the class onsale, the text “Sale Ends:”, and a div with the class countdown-timer and a data-expiration attribute containing the expiration date.
  • add_action Hooks:
    • Hooks the add_countdown_timer_to_pages function to the woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title and woocommerce_product_thumbnails actions.

3. Countdown Timer JavaScript

This JavaScript code initializes the countdown timer for elements with the class countdown-timer.

  • startCountdown Function:
    • Defines the countdown logic. This function is incomplete in the provided code.
  • jQuery(document).ready Function:
    • Ensures that the code inside runs when the document is ready.
    • Initializes a countdown for each element with the class countdown-timer.
    • Calls the startCountdown function for each element, passing the element itself and the expiration date from the data-expiration attribute.


  • The PHP functions handle the server-side logic, fetching the expiration date and outputting HTML with relevant classes and attributes.
  • JavaScript is used to initialize the countdown timer on the client side, fetching the expiration date from the data-expiration attribute and calling a function (startCountdown) to handle the countdown logic.

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