Add this code to your child themes functions file.
Go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping to find your shipping method id’s
You can also hover over the edit link in the Shipping Methods box and the id will display in the bottom left hand side of the window as seen in this screenshot :
In this case, the shipping method ID is 10 as seen in the very bottom of the screenshot.
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Shipping Method ID’s are used in tutorials & plugins like these :
- Show Message Based on Shipping Method and Shipping Class in WooCommerce
- Display Shipping Method Based on Threshold Per Product
- Show Hide Shipping Methods Based on Cart Totals in WooCommerce
- Custom Field to Allow Conditional Shipping Method for Specific Users Only
- Different Price Based on WooCommerce Shipping Method
- Minimum Quantity Based on Shipping Method in WooCommerce
- Minimum Order Total Based on Shipping Method Woocommerce
- Add Notice On Shipping Method Change Using WP Ajax in WooCommerce
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