WordPress Tips & Tricks – Video 24

Now that you’ve learn’t how to use WordPress, here’s some pro tips you can use to create awesome posts.

Twitter Embeds

Paste tweets directly into your editor to display dynamic functioning twitter messages


Simply paste your twitter statuses url and wrap it in the embed tag

Twitter Embed Tweets

Embed Youtube Video’s

All you need to do is paste the YouTube url into your editor and they will display once you publish your post.

Paste the YouTube url into your HTML editor and publish to display your video’s.

YouTube Embed URL

Create Excerpt Using The More Tag

Your editor includes a small icon for adding a tag to the end of an excerpt.

Embed More Tag

This tag will create a read more link in your archives and blog pages which display a list of all your posts.

You can further customize this tag in your HTML editor. Note: It will only work on posts and not pages.

Read More Tag

You can customize the text in the more tag in your HTML editor to anything you like.

Customize The Read More Tag

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