20 Mistakes To Avoid So Your Business Blog Succeeds

Business blogging is different from personal blogging so you should know where to draw the line. Its a bit like comparing your personal life to your work life. You can pretty much say what you like within reason outside of work yet its a different story in the office.

Here’s a list of 20 important blogging no no’s to avoid so your blog compliments your business and doesn’t cost it instead.

  1. Don’t setup a blog to start with because its just to much of a hassle and think blogging doesn’t work anyway.
  2. Stuff your blog posts full of keywords so much your reader’s can’t understand a thing about what you have written
  3. Posting 10 times a day just to add  more content for the search engines
  4. Posting other people’s content without giving them credit
  5. Using swear words so much it starts looking very unprofessional
  6. Posting personal attacks on your competitors blogs and social media forums then leaving your link can damage your reputation.
  7. Setting up or participating in link farms will get you penalized or banned by the search engines.
  8. Using too much technical jargon without explaining what it means in plain English can make it very difficult to understand.
  9. Consistent spelling mistakes make you look very unprofessional.
  10. Start getting too personal with your readers and forget to keep your content relevant will lose you readers fast.
  11. Writing posts without any images, paragraphs, points or breaks of any kind will make your blog highly unscannable
  12. Stuff your blog posts, sidebars, header and footer with animated banners, Google adsense and heaps of advertising.
  13. Install a pop up plugin which pops up for the same I.P address on every page and every visit even if your visitor has already signed up.
  14. Ignoring social media because you just don’t like it or understand it.
  15. Fail to link internally and offer related post/resources links.
  16. Not creating Killer headlines: If your headline doesn’t catch your readers attention, the chances are they won’t click through to the article.
  17. Not Being Useful – blogs that meet needs and solve problems are blogs that people will keep coming back to and which they’ll spread news of to their network
  18. Not using your own domain for blogging is like building content and links for someone else. Free hosted blogging comes at a price! Build the authority, links, subscribers and content on your own unique domain which you control.
  19. Blogging about something which is not related to the overall topic of the blog. Relevant content related to your blogs topic is the reason your readers visit your blog.
  20. Not blogging about something you love with a passion will make it hard to write posts on bad days and harder to keep it going long term. Would you write blog posts if there wasn’t anything in it for yourself?

There are certain do’s and dont’s when it comes to successful blogging and most of us at some stage have made small mistakes, i know i have.  As long as you learn from them and don’t repeat them no harm should be done to your brand, reputation and credibility.

I believe the owner of a good blog, forum and social media group should manage the content and posts professionally and responsibly. There’s more which needs to be discussed on this topic as well as added to this list in the comments below. Thanks

More Business Blogging Posts:

  1. Business Blogs – The Top 10 Reasons To Create a Business Blog

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