4 Essential SEO Factors for Every New Blog Post

Are there any essential Seo factors you apply every time you write a new blog post?

Below is a Seo Pyramid showing how important basic on page Seo factors and keywords are to achieving great search results.

Social media compliments traditional Seo more so now than ever however it does not replace it.

Social media can be used like a content distribution system to spread new content over the internet effectively which increases Seo.

Social Media Seo

Unique Content

1) Unique content based on your own personal experience is real, genuine and authentic. Try pasting your new unpublished post title into the Google search box before you publish and see what you’re up against.

This is a great way to test relevancy and check out how unique your content really is. If it looks a bit like another post on the first few pages of the SERPS then it may not get indexed at all.

The search engines ABSOLUTELY love site maps of all various sizes and descriptions. Try getting your own homemade video’s in the search results along with your own homemade images by installing sitemaps for video, images, mobile as well as text.

Don’t get youtube’s URL indexed when you can easily host your own video’s and increase the importance and authority of your own domain rather than a youtube and the like.

Use tags, categories and drop down or second menu’s with relevant anchor text as the link to the content so its easy to find specific content. Searchers don’t really want knowledge they want solutions, tutorials and how to’s which they can act on and see the results. Previous and next page links also increase page views.

Relevant Keywords

2) Keyword homework is pretty easy if you do it everyday when you are writing fresh content for your blog. You never really know which keywords will work the best or which one’s are popular until you take a look using a keyword tool. I also use the related content links in the search results as well as related keywords in the keyword results which works well.

There’s a list of the most important keyword positions to place your keywords which is really powerful and clocks up a good seo score with the search engines. Unique titles with main focus key words/phrases are a must as you should already know.

Natural Linking

3) We all know how important links are for seo but did we all know that Google only counts unique anchor text and not the same anchor when it adds up your score?

Using keywords which have the same meaning yet are different gets a higher score and stops spammers using automated means to spam links with the same anchor text.

Recently i have been putting far more time into internal links. Once i have published a new post i will search all my posts using the main keyword of the latest post and add internal links to all my previous posts.

The results are more page views and longer time on site as well as increased relevance and higher indexing.

Social Media Sharing

4) I use a content delivery system to share my new content to all my networks quickly and easily using a variety of social media. This provides consistent traffic and links back to my content.

Using the correct keywords as tags with these social media sites helps searchers on those sites find relevant content and is becoming more important for search engine results.

New Google toolbar page rank (PR) results where out recently. How did you go and what do you think of the Alex ranking as well? Accurate or not?

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