How To Add New Sharing Service URL’s to Jetpacks Social Sharedaddy Plugin

Jetpack comes with a new social sharing service named Share Daddy.

Sharedaddy only includes a limited number of social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

If you want to add more you can do this fairly easily as long as you know what sharing URL to add for each.

I’ve added a list of them and here’s the sharing URL’s which you can add to your own sharedaddy.



You’ll also need to upload an 16×16 pixel size icon to your WordPress Media library and grab the URL.

Here’s 40 awesome Social Icons you can download for free and use the ones you want to add to Sharedaddy.

Step 1. Go To Jetpack in your WordPress admin dashboard and click Jetpack  and locate Sharedaddy.


Click Configure and you’ll arrive at this screen


Click the Add a new service link and you’ll get a popup screen like this


Its here you’ll need to add info into 3 fields:

  1. Service Name – Simply enter the name you want displays next to the icon. Example: Blogger
  2. Sharing URL – Will be like one of these listed above:
  3. Icon URL – The URL to the icon in your Media Library.
Once you’ve added this info click Create Share and your ready to add more.
You can add variables if you wish by using the tags listed.
I’ve included the Post URL and Post Title in most of them however here’s the full list of tags.
You can add the following variables to your service sharing URL:
  1. %post_title%
  2. %post_url%
  3. %post_full_url%
  4. %post_excerpt%
  5. %post_full_url%
  6. %post_tags%
Once you’ve added them you simply drag them from Available Services to Enabled Services and you can check them out in your front end.
Sharedaddy enabled services

Sharedaddy is a new service included with Jetpack who expect to add even more plugins to there super plugin soon.


There’s a few more options you can easily configure yourself. To learn more check out the Jetpack website.

Note: Sharedaddy may not work properly with all themes as its fairly new. I doubt you’ll see any errors however it may only display on certain pages or posts. You can view it on my WordPress website at the bottom of the homepage.

6 responses to “How To Add New Sharing Service URL’s to Jetpacks Social Sharedaddy Plugin”

  1. Hi Brad,

    Any idea how to add a facebook page follow button to the jetpack ? thank you

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Its only for sharing, not follow.

      You could hook in a follow button below the sharing buttons.

  2. Raaj Trambadia Avatar
    Raaj Trambadia

    Hi Brad. Is there any way we could add our Twitter “via” tags when sharing through Twitter? And same for the Twitter “rel” tags where a user is recommended to be followed.


    1. You can easily add hashtags if you use a plugin like WordTwit

  3. Brad,

    thanks for your guide.
    Any idea how to add google +1 to sharedaddy?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      =%post_url%&title=%post_title% Add this to the end of the sharing URL

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