How To Add a Feature Box To The Thesis Theme for WordPress

Adding a feature box to your blog is a great way to promote an eBook/video series, increase subscribers and build your list. Its a bit like adding the most effective part of a landing/squeeze page to the most visited part of your site which attracts the most amount of traffic.

Update: So far the feature box with sign up form has converted a large percentage of new home page visitors to subscribers. Far more than my squeeze page, sidebar widget or after post optin box at end of every post.

Without doubt, the easiest way to add a feature box is to use a skin which already includes 7 different types built in. Read more about how to create a feature box using your WordPress editor.


Here’s how i did it:

Firstly go to Thesis > Design Options > Feature Box > Placement


Feature Box Placement Here you can choose from 3 placement options. I’ve chosen to show the feature box above both content & sidebars with full-width.

Then choose to show your feature box on your home page only or site wide.

Now its time to add the php code to your custom_php_file_editor. I’ve chosen to add a sign up form below some text.

Note: If you make a mistake in your code while modifying a PHP file, saving the code may result your site becoming temporarily unusable. Prior to editing such files, be sure to have access to the file via FTP or File Manager so that you can correct the error. Also take full backup of your files & databases before editing php code.

This is the actual code that i use. I have constructed the HTML part using the WordPress editor and then copied it from the text editor and pasted it into the Thesis PHP file editor.

The sign up form code was generated using Mail Chimp Super slim form which you can modify if you want to make custom changes.

Locate the Super Slim sign up form by navigating to Lists > Forms > For your website > Sign up form embed code

You can also use Aweber or another email service. Make sure its placed between these tags.

<p> email signup form code</p>

If you want to make custom changes to your feature box you can edit this CSS code to your own requirements and paste it in the Thesis custom CSS file editor:

.custom #feature_box {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #efefef;
border-color: #ccc;
border-style: solid;
height: 350px;
padding-top: 20px;

The Thesis users Guide also provides a huge range of custom code to make it easy to turn your site into anything you want.  You can also add a video, featured image, portfolio of images or even add the multi media box in the featured box.

Studio Press Feature Box

If you’ve switched theme like I have, you can also create a feature box in any Genesis child theme. Read more about how to add a feature box to your home page in any Studio Press child theme.

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