How To Increase Blog Traffic

Increasing web traffic to your blog can be fairly easy if you know what to do. You don’t need huge volumes of anything to increase traffic to your blog however you do need content which is popular and ranks well in the search engines.

You can also increase traffic considerably by using the right post titles and right content that’s in demand for your industry.

Blogging is a great way to build followers, increase subscribers and gain trust and credibility. This leads to more traffic, business and success for you and your business.

If you’re not getting good traffic to your blog then its time to make some changes and try something new as i know for a fact your blog can be a huge compliment to your website and help your business tremendously when used properly.

Here’s 8 ways to increase blog traffic that i have learn’t based on my own personal experiences.

1) Host your blog on the same domain as your website. You might love or want to save money with free hosted blogs like but there’s no point building links and traffic to a domain that’s not the same as your website domain.

The older your domain gets, the more valuable it becomes in the eyes of the search engines as long as you’ve stayed in the good books. Add your blog in a sub directory or sub folder but don’t put it on another domain.

blog.yourdomain or yourdomain/blog is ok.

2) Use an optimized theme. Some themes are better for Seo than others. For example, Thesis and Genesis are far more Seo friendly then most other themes.If you’re already using an Seo friendly theme and move to another theme you may experience a drop in traffic.

On the other hand, if your not using an Seo friendly theme and move to one like Thesis, you should experience a decent rise in traffic. I’ve done both and know this is true.

3) Write catchy headlines. You may have great content that’s really helpful that your readers will need and benefit from but your need to write headlines that draw your readers in. You also need Seo friendly headlines that the search engines like and that relates perfectly to the content under that headline.

You can use a different post title for search engines which doesn’t have to be the same as the title displayed on your site. Thesis offers this option and the WordPress Seo by Yoast plugin also does as well. You can use different titles on your email campaigns for the same content on your blog.

4) Write real stories based on your own unique experiences. I learn many new things related to WordPress everyday then i write about them if they’re valuable and will help save frustration, solve problems and time for my readers.

I like to find the best range of solutions and options to solve problems which i write about and share with my readers. These are my insider tips and tricks that i use for myself.

Web Traffic

5) Write your own eBook. The reason i have stuck with WordPress is because i’m good at it therefore i enjoy it and do well from it by providing useful information. You must be really knowledgeable in one particular area so write a word document 20-30 pages and dress it up. Use existing content from your posts if you like as long as its focused on solving one problem.

Make or buy a really nice eCover, stick it into a MailChimp form plugin for free  and place it on your sidebar or better still, use a feature box and watch your subscribers and traffic grow. You can place links in your ebook back to specific posts on your site and Google will even index your PDF.

6) Target the longtail low competition keywords. The best traffic comes from Google in my opinion so you need to get indexed in the top 3 positions on the first page. The best chance you have is by writing content targeting low volume, low competition keywords.

You need to use a good keyword tool and learn how to use it which isn’t difficult. And you’ll need to write unique content based on your own personal experience that’s totally focused on your target keywords.

7) Create an eye pleasing blog. I’m the first to admit i haven’t mastered CSS and look forward to learning more about decoration and styling so i can eventually create the WOW factor for my own blog and for my clients.

I have improved my sites appearance compared to what is was like and have noticed a healthy rise in time on site and page views. Adding nice images which relate to the content as well as point form, bullet points, quotes, boxes and plenty of white space helps paint the picture and tell the story so its easier to scan, read and understand.

8. Use a content distribution program. RSS and email marketing are two of the most popular forms of content distribution but are there others? I use a social media marketing tool which i know for a fact drives targeted traffic to my site.

It also finds me hundreds of new followers each day by scanning their social media profiles to see what their interests are and then shows me the results every 12 hours so i can decide on who i want to approve.

This form of content distribution not only finds me thousands of new followers who have a common interest in my blogs overall topic but also sends them a message with a link to my eBook which has increased my subscribers significantly.

I know how powerful this tool is because i stopped using it and was wondering why my eBook subscription figures had slumped.

If you need to increase blog traffic you may need to try a few different methods and track the results to see what works and what doesn’t.

A combination of the right choices can significantly increase blog traffic which will lead to an increase in subscribers and more business.

For my email subscribers i’ll use the title 8 ways to effectively increase blog traffic and for Seo i’ll leave this blog post with ‘how to increase blog traffic’ as i know this is a long tail keyword which is relevant to this content.

Good luck with your blog and i hope you are using your own self hosted WordPress blogging platform.

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