How To Install WordPress Manually Using File Manager

There’s many ways to install WordPress depending on your web server setup and web host. I’ve already written tutorials on how to install WordPress manually using FTP as well as installing WordPress in cPanel the quick & easy way as well.

If you have no choice but to install WordPress manually and prefer using File Manager in cPanel rather than FTP, this is for you.

One of the  reasons i am writing this tutorial is because i have found that the biggest barrier that prevents new bloggers from making a start with WordPress is the installation process.

This tutorials will show you how to download and install WordPress manually.

The preferred method of installing WordPress Fantastico or Simple Scripts rather than using the method in this tutorial

WordPress Installation Video

Download WordPress

First step is to download the WordPress software from the official WordPress site.

Click this link to access the WordPress download link

Download WordPress Software

Click the Download tar.gz – 2.7 MB link

You can either upload the compressesed tar.gz file directly to your Linux server and extract the files using File Manager


Download the zip files to your local PC and extract the files there.

Save the file to your local computer.

Save File to Your Local Computer

Preparation Before Uploading WordPress

This tutorial assumes you have chosen a web host which uses cPanel as we will be using File Manager which is a tool inside cPanel.

We will be uploading and extracting the contents of the compressed file which contains WordPress.

Note: If you unzip, uncompress or extract the files on your local computer, then you’ll need to use FTP to upload them to your server which is covered in another tutorial.

You will need to create a new database and directory for your WordPress installation before you upload the file to your server.

You can create a directory using an addon domain, sub domain or sub directory.


You can install WordPress directly into your public_html root directory which is the most popular location. In this case, you should already have a public_html directory created on your server.

In this tutorial, we’ll install WordPress into a sub domain directory named blog. This is one way you can install WordPress to an existing website.


Create a New Database

You will need to create a new database and take note of:

  • Database Name
  • Database Username
  • Database Password

Upload WordPress Using File Manager

Login to cPanel and locate the Files section.
cPanel - File Manager
Click File Manager and locate the Upload Icon.
cPanel File Manager Upload

Upload WordPress.tar.gz to Public_html

Upload WordPress Public_HTML

Extract WordPress Files

Once you have successfully uploaded the WordPress .tar.gz file, you need to extract all the WordPress files to a directory folder.

Click the Extract icon in File Manager

Click Extract

I suggest you extract the files to a new directory named demo rather than extract the filed into the directory you will be installing WordPress too.

Highlight the WordPress.tar.gz file and click the Extract icon. At this time you can also create a new demo directory folder

Extract to Demo Folder

Copy files to Installation Directory

Now you can locate the Demo directory which contains the extracted WordPress files in your public_html directory and copy the WordPress files to the directory you will be using to install WordPress into.

You’ll find the WordPress files 2 levels deep in public_html/demo/wordpress/

Copy WordPress Files

Make sure you select all files and copy them to the directory which you plan on installing WordPress into.

In this case its public_html/blog however yours maybe public_html or another location.

Copy WordPress Files to Installation Directory

Connect Files to Database

Its now time to Edit the wp-config-sample.php file. Locate the file, right click it and click code edit.

Edit wp-config-sample.php file

You’ll need to edit your new:

  1. database name
  2. database username
  3. database password

Here’s more on how to edit a wp-config.php file

Database Configuration File

Once you have added these details to your wp-config-sample file, save the changes and rename the file to wp-config.php

Run WordPress Installation Script

Type in the location of your WordPress blog into your browsers address bar and add /wp-admin/install.php on the end


This will access the installation script at that location and you’ll be able to follow the simple steps to finish the installation of WordPress.

Installing WordPress

Install WordPress

Enter your details in the required fields and click Install

You can then login to the backend administration area of your WordPress installation and change your Permalink structure.

You may find my Guide to Getting Started with WordPress helpful when setting up your new blog.

Its far quicker and easier to use a web host which offers one click installation of WordPress however you will certainly learn more completing the installation process manually.

15 responses to “How To Install WordPress Manually Using File Manager”

  1. […] How To Install WordPress Manually Using File Manager […]

  2. […] How To Install WordPress Manually Using File Manager […]

  3. this came up. please help?
    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Royston

      Please make sure the database details you used to create a database are exactly the same as what you paste into the wp-config.php file.

      if they’re not, you will get that error message.

      Also make sure your have renamed the wp-comnfig.php file and removed the name sample from it.

      Most servers use the localhost as the hostname however some do not so please check with your host.

  4. Michelle Avatar

    I’m not the one who bought the domain, but is it just scripts that I need to write to make?

    1. No need to write any scripts Michelle. You can install WordPress using many different methods. The auto install the the fastest

  5. Michelle Avatar


    Can you tell me how I can do this? Thanks

    1. Easier to use the one click installation script like Simple Scripts from a web host. Who are you hosting with?

  6. Michelle Avatar


    I was wondering since your blog, and the wordpress blog is a separate domain. Is it possible to have 2 seperate theme? So, your website would have theme A, and the subdomain (the wordpress blog) would have theme B (which is from the wordpress website)?

    1. Yes. Thats easily done

  7. Great tutorial

    Thanks for posting

    1. No worries Chandra

  8. […] How To Install WordPress Manually Using File Manager […]

  9. Johnathan Reynar Avatar
    Johnathan Reynar

    Hello there, I watched your video on “youtube” how to create “wordpress” in a sub domain, I followed everything as you say in your video, all worked until I needed to:
    I got cannot find server…

    What can I do to access this…
    Let me know if you can help….


    1. Jonathan

      Did you create a database and change the db details in your wp-config file?

      Looks like you have it working now.

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