Jetpack for WordPress Now Includes 11 Awesome Plugins in One

Jetpack is a free plugin created by the Automattic, the company behind WordPress. The latest update now includes 11 plugins within the one plugin, pretty cool.

You’ll need to connect Jetpack to your blog which means you need to own one so to speak.

Here’s what you get to use when you install the Jetpack plugin:

Latest Additions to Jetpack

Subscriptions – Allow users to subscribe to your posts and comments to receive a notification via email.

Extra Sidebar Widgets – Easily add images, Twitter updates, and your site’s RSS links to your theme’s sidebar.

Enhanced Distribution – Share your public posts and comments to search engines and other services in real-time.

Existing Jetpack Features

Spelling and Grammar – Improve your spelling, style, and grammar with the After the Deadline Proofreading service. Stats – Simple, concise site stats with no additional load on your server.

Sharedaddy Sharing – The most super duper sharing tool on the interwebs. Share content with Facebook, Twitter, and many more.

Gravatar Hovercards – Show a pop-up business card of your users’ gravatar profiles in comments.

Shortcode Embeds – Easily embed videos and more from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and SlideShare. Shotlinks – Enable shortlinks for all of your Posts and Pages for easier sharing.

Beautiful Math- Mark up your posts with the LaTeX logomarkup language, perfect for complex mathematical equations and other über-geekery.

Lets take a look in more detail at all the Jetpack features one at a time, the new features first of course!


SubscriptionsEasily allow any visitor to subscribe to all of your posts via email through a widget in your blog’s sidebar. Every time you publish a post, will send a notification to all your subscribers.

When leaving comments, your visitors can also subscribe to a post’s comments to keep up with the conversation.

To use the Subscriptions widget, go to Appearance → Widgets. Drag the widget labeled “Blog Subscriptions (Jetpack)” into one of your sidebars and configure away.

Extra Sidebar Widgets

Extra Sidebar WidgetsThe RSS Links Widget lets you easily add post and comment RSS feeds to a sidebar on your theme.

The Twitter Widget shows your latest tweets within a sidebar on your theme.

The Image Widget lets you easily add images to a sidebar on your theme.

Each of these widgets has a number of customization options. To use the widgets, go to Appearance → Widgets. Drag them into one of your sidebars and configure away.

Enhanced Distribution

Enhanced DistributionJetpack will automatically take the great published content from your blog or website and share it instantly with third party services like search engines, increasing your reach and traffic.

I guess there’s more to come down the track with this feature so stay tuned!

Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and GrammarThe After the Deadline Proofreading service improves your writing by using artificial intelligence to find your errors and offer smart suggestions.

After the Deadline provides a number of customization options, which you can edit in your profile. Stats StatsThere are many plugins and services that provide statistics, but data can be overwhelming. Stats makes the most popular metrics easy to understand through a clear and attractive interface.

I use Jetpack because stats provide a snapshot of important stats which tells me which posts are popular, which links are being clicked, which search terms are being used to find my content and which external links are referring me visitors. Read more about Stats Versus Google Analytics here.

Sharedaddy Sharing

Sharedaddy SharingTo configure your sharing settings, go to the Settings → Sharing menu.

Drag and drop sharing services into the enabled section to have them show up on your site, and drag them into the hidden section to have them hidden behind a button.

You can find a list of additional sharing URL’s for Jetpack here.

Gravatar Hovercards

What’s a Hovercard?

Gravatar HovercardsHovercards enhance plain Gravatar images with information about a person: name, bio, pictures, their contact info, and other services.

To see hovercards, look at any blog post on your blog that has comments. If the commenter has a hovercard associated with their gravatar, mouse over their image and the hovercard will appear. To turn hovercards off, click the Deactivate button above.

Shortcode Embeds

Shortcode EmbedsShortcodes allow you to easily and safely embed media from other places in your site. With just one simple code, you can tell WordPress to embed YouTube, Flickr, and other media.

Enter a shortcode directly into the Post/Page editor to embed media. For specific instructions follow the links below. Shortlinks ShortlinksInstead of typing or copy-pasting long URLs, you can now get a short and simple link to your posts and pages. This uses the super compact domain name, and gives you a unique URL you can use that will be safe and reliable.

To use shortlinks, go to any already published post (or publish something new!). A “Get Shortlink” button will be visible under the Post title. When you click it, a dialog box will appear with the shortlink and you can copy and paste to Twitter, Facebook or wherever your heart desires.

Latext Beautiful Math

Latext Beautiful MathLatex is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations, formulas, etc.

Use your latex code here or your latex code here to include LaTeX logo in your posts and comments.

Jetpack 1.2 update also includes some other latest additions like –

  • Improved UI for showing new and updated Jetpack features
  • Better support for other languages
  • Smarter and safer Jetpack upgrades
  • New Shortcodes for VideoPress & Google Maps
  • Added LinkedIn and Google+ buttons to Sharing UI
  • Image Widget
  • RSS Links Widget

Impressive plugin which i hope integrates smoothly with all themes. Thesis for one could be a problem at the moment.

One response to “Jetpack for WordPress Now Includes 11 Awesome Plugins in One”

  1. […] cards can be added to your Gravatar by installing the Jetpack plugin after which you don’t need to do anything because hover cards are already […]

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