7 Reasons You Should Start A Blog Today

WordPress BloggingWordPress Blogging has become a vital part of successful internet marketing for companies and individuals for many reasons.

Blogging also creates a useful resource of information to solve problems for your readers.

Here’s a list of some of the most important reasons why you should seriously consider starting a blog if you want to get your message in front of the biggest audience, connect to the right people and increase targeted traffic to your website.

Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors and up to 88% more leads per month than those who do not.

1. Ease of use: Its never been easier to install WordPress and start blogging without the need to hire a web designer. Adding new content and customizing your website has also never been easier.

WordPress offer the largest community of bloggers in the world therefore the largest support for WordPress users. If you ever need to make changes to your blog or need any form of help, you have an excellent chance of finding the solution from the WordPress community.

WordPress is the worlds most popular free open source software for blogging therefore you have access to thousands of free themes and plugins which enable you to design and build your own website or blog at a price which is affordable for everyone or even free in many cases.

2. Valuable feedback: Gaining feedback from your readers, customers, clients and industry is easy when you own your own blog. Positive or negative, feedback is a valuable source of information which helps improve many aspects of your business.

Feedback from social media groups and blog readers help you track whats popular and whats not, which gives you valuable information on what works and what doesn’t.

3. Complete Control: When you own your own WordPress site, you totally control all the content on your site and your own unique address on the internet. No matter what happens, as long as you have a backup of your content, you will always be safe from outside control.

Some free hosted blogging platforms take away some control and don’t allow you to use plugins and other addons which enable you to fully customize and control the design of your blog.

4. Increase Traffic: Increasing traffic to your website increases readership and helps build your brand. Blogging with WordPress allows you to more easily find the right readers which have a need for your solutions and services.

The more targeted your traffic, the more readers convert to customers if they trust you and believe you know what you are doing. Writing blog posts helps prove to your readers you are credible and competent in your field.

5. Social Media Proof: WordPress integrates perfectly with social media enabling you to easily share your content to like minded individuals across hundreds of different social media groups.

Social media also helps people find useful solutions to problems they don’t want to read about on a commercial website like reviews, How To’s & Tutorials based on your own personal experience about different ways to solve the same problem.

6. Building Links: Blogs are seen as someones personal experience rather than a commercial site therefore generally provide an honest opinion or authentic experience about a particular subject or topic.

Other blogs and websites like to link to valuable content on blogs rather than link to commercial websites. Search engines use links as part of their assessment process when determining what content should indexed in their search results.

The more links you have from related sites to your blog posts, the higher your content is indexed in the search results pages of Google, Yahoo & Bing.

7. Content Distribution: WordPress offers many ways to distribute your content to your readers as well as gain new readers. RSS is a free service which updates your readers with new content everytime you add a new blog post.

WordPress also makes it easy to add signup forms and build different lists of readers who subscribe for updates on different categories related to your blog.

Blogs are a great way to build trust so when you write a useful blog post which solves a problem in your niche, other bloggers will link to you and start a conversation.

Blogging creates conversation which spreads the word about you and the quality of the content inside your blog posts.

Cyber Monday is a great time to start your own self hosted WordPress blog because all the tools you need to get started are more affordable than ever, for a limited time only.

There are many other reasons owning your own WordPress blog is worthwhile for both personal and business reasons.

Blogging will help you stay reader focused and not just focused on selling yourself and your products & services.

If you know someone in your social network who will benefit from blogging, why not share this post for them.

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