How To Create a Pricing Table – Best Free Price Table Plugins for WordPress

I’m sure you’ve seen those nice looking pricing tables on websites before and maybe you’ve thought about adding one to your website.

There’s several premium plugins which make its fairly easy to create a pricing table and there’s also premium packages which include all the code.

All you need to do then is work out how to install the table which can be a major challenge in itself.

Then there’s a couple of free pricing table plugins for WordPress which makes it very simple to create your own table without having to work with CSS & PHP code.

Once you’ve installed and activated the Price Table plugin, you’ll notice a custom post type named Price Tables below your comments tab in your WordPress admin screen.

Price Table Tab

To create a pricing table, simply click Add New and click Add Column.

Adding 3-5 columns would generally be the norm and then enter the details of your products or services in each column.

Pricing Table Columns

Once you have finished creating your price tables, copy and paste the shortcode into a page or post and publish.

Pricing Table Shortcode

Another option is to use the same page you created the pricing table in  as your prices page.

Example of Pricing Table

Free Price Table Plugin

This plugin is very basic and doesn’t offer any more settings or options to customize your price table apart from what you see in this screenshot. However its super easy to use.

The only thing a didn’t like about this price table plugin was that some of the text isn’t centred which should be easy to fix by adding some code in the plugins files or your themes custom style.css file.

There’s a also another free pricing table plugin which may be worth trying if you are looking for more color as you can see in the example below

Free Price Table Plugin for WordPress

I didn’t test the second pricing table plugin so i’d be happy to here from you if you have tried it. Cheers

5 responses to “How To Create a Pricing Table – Best Free Price Table Plugins for WordPress”

  1. James Hahn II Avatar
    James Hahn II

    Hi Brad. First of all, thank you for your blog! I have learned Genesis over the last 6 months and you have been one of my main instructors, so thank you for all of your great content!

    On this plugin, I see it is no longer supported. Do you have a new one that you recommend?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      This one is also free

      Another option is to use HTML which you can do in Genesis themes as its supported.

      1. James Hahn II Avatar
        James Hahn II

        Thanks for the reply, Brad! Since I commented earlier I found a blog post with 7 different pricing table plugins. I opened all 7 and looked at nothing but their rating. Pricefish wins.

        Nothing but 4 and 5 stars!

      2. Aaaand now that I read them, I’m pretty sure they’re all fake. Lol

        Maybe have to use yours.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          The 2 which i listed are tested and worked fine for me.

          There are many premium pricing table plugins on Theme forest which look pretty good however i think it depends on how well they work in specific themes.

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