Add a Pinterest Pin It Button To Your Blog Allowing Your Readers To Easily Share Your Images

Pinterest Pin It Button for WordPressAccording to some of the tech heavy weights like Mashable, Techcrunch etc, Pinterest can drive more traffic to your site than Linkedin, Youtube & Google + combined.

All you need to do is install the Pinterest ‘Pin it’  plugin and you’re set to start receiving more traffic.

If you simply need to activate the image hover buttons, you’ll find a section near the end of this post which links to a very basic solution that gets the job done in less than 2 minutes.

Choose Which Pages The Button Appears On

Here you can select where you want the button to display. Individual posts & pages would be best.

Pin It Button Page Settings

Where To Display The Button

Here you can either use one of the check boxes and display the buttons before or after your content. Another option is to use a short code and display the button anywhere.

Button Location

Hover Button Options

Here’s the new featured added to the image hover button part of the plugin:

  • Place the hover button in any of the 4 corners of images.
  • Use any of the 30 included button designs for the hover button. They can be different from your page-level “Pin It” button.
  • Upload or select your own custom button for the hover button AND the page-level button.

Install Image Hover Buttons in Genesis

Here’s a new tutorial i wrote recently showing you easy it is to install the image hover buttons on specific posts and pages. You can also enable the buttons site wide as well.

Integrate with Other Social Buttons

The Pinterest Pin It Plugin creator has created some CSS code for those that need to align the button with an existing button setup like Jetpack & some of the other most popular social media plugins for WordPress.

2 responses to “Add a Pinterest Pin It Button To Your Blog Allowing Your Readers To Easily Share Your Images”

  1. Phil Derksen Avatar
    Phil Derksen

    Brad – Thanks for the review of my plugin!

    I’m always open to hear what features folks need the plugin to do. Just head over to add any suggestions (in the User Support forum).

    1. Great plugin Phil. Thanks for creating it and i know Pinterest is going crazy right now so everyone should get involved

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