WordPress Testimonials Plugin With Rotating Sidebar Widget Increase Conversions

Adding testimonials to your blog and/or website has been proven to increase conversions.

The reason for this is, you prospective clients/customers are generally more interested in what other people say about rather than what you say yourself.

Even better still, adding testimonials from existing clients and customers that have a long standing business relationship with you shows that you have social proof and are a reputable business.

I’ve already written about how to add customer reviews on the same page as your products and services, however, you can also add a widget to your sidebar to display rotating testimonial snippets linked to the full testimonial if you wish.

WP Testonials plugin is one the most popular plugins you can easily install and setup for this purpose.

The advantage of using this plugin compared with the customer reviews plugin is that you add the testimonial manually and don’t need to moderate user generated testimonial SPAM! which you may get from the customer reviews plugin.

Add New Testimonial

Once you’ve installed the wp testimonials plugin, navigate to the settings page and add your customers testimonials.

If you want the testimonial to display randomly in a widget, make sure you fill in the short text field with a teaser encouraging your readers to click through to the full text.

Tip: If you can, grab an image of your customers smiling face and add it to the testimonial as well. This will improve CTR and conversions.

Add New Testimonial

Testimonial Settings

The settings page is very easy to configure.

Testimonials Settings

Testimonials Widget

Simple drag the widget into any widget area.

Testimonials Widget

Final Result

Its a very basic text widget with an image and link which your readers can click through to read more testimonials.

Testimonial Display Widget

Other Testimonials Plugin

Another popular testimonials plugin is the Testimonials Widget plugin which allows you to display random or selected portfolio, quotes, reviews, showcases, or text with images on your WordPress blog.

That’s it folks

Simple plugin for showing off your happy customers so prospective customers to read more about what your customers say about you. Not what you say about yourself.

Got any good tips on using testimonials to increase conversions? Share them with us in the comments please.

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