Instructions for Installing Kolakube Skins on the Thesis Theme Framework

This tutorial is one of a series of tutorials created for users of Kolakube skins installed on the Thesis framework.

Kolakube is a new skins developer which makes skins that are built on the Thesis framework.

There’s different ways to install a skin however i’ve written this tutorial for beginners so i’ll show you the easiest way.

If you’ve just purchased your skin along with the Thesis theme framework, i’ll show you how to install both at the same time.

Installing Thesis With Kolakube Skin

  • Download Thesis zipped file to your local computers desktop
  • Also download your Kolakube skin zip file to the same location
  • You don’t need to unzip the file’s, simply click your skins zip folder and locate the folder named custom
  • Drag this folder out of the zip file onto your desktop
  • While you’re at it, also drag the thesis-all-options-marketers-delight.dat file as well

Kolakube Skin for Thesis

You should now have both your skins custom folder and the thesis .dat file on your desktop along with both zip files

  • Click the Thesis zip folder and find the folder inside name custom-sample.
  • Delete this folder and replace it by dragging your skins custom folder in its place

Thesis Custom Folder
You should now have a Thesis zip folder and thesis-all-options-marketers-delight.dat file on your desktop

Uploading Thesis To Your WordPress Installation

The easiest way to install Thesis is to use the built in theme uploader located in your WordPress dashboard.

Other options include uploading the theme using FTP or File Manager in cPanel but you don’t need to use these methods to simply upload a theme or skin.

  • Login to your WordPress admin panel
  • Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes > Upload
  • Here you can browse for your Theses zip file and upload it to WordPress

Install Themes

Activating Your Skins Options

Now that you have Thesis installed, its time to finish installing your skin. Your skins files are already uploaded as you put them inside Thesis.

All you need to do now is upload your skins options which are in the Thesis-all-options-marketers-delight.dat file which should still be located on your desktop.

  • Inside your wp admin screen, click the Thesis tab on the left side
  • Under the Thesis tab, click the Manage Options link

You’ll arrive at this screen where you can simply browse for your skins dat file and upload it. Here’s the correct button to click.

Thesis Options Manager

Changing File Permissions On Your Custom Folder

There’s one last thing you need to do before your Thesis skin will work properly

You’ll need to use FTP or File Manager in cPanel to change the file permissions to 666 on the layout.css file located in the custom folder you put inside your Thesis theme.

The location of the layout.css fie should be something like this:


Change File Permissions

Changing file permissions is very easy but if you have any problem simply contact your host and they will do it for you.

Its simply a matter of navigating to your Thesis themes custom folder and right clicking the layout.css file where you can then select permissions and change them to 666.

Error Messages

If you make a mistake, you may see the white screen of death which means you have made an error and your screen has turned white.

Simply start again as you will have a copy of both Thesis and your skin on your local computer or you can download another.

Kolakube Tutorials

I’ve already written several tutorials on how to create feature boxes, landing pages and more online marketing tutorials soon. Click here to get these free tutorials delivered in your inbox and never miss a post.

What do you think of your new skin for Thesis?

6 responses to “Instructions for Installing Kolakube Skins on the Thesis Theme Framework”

  1. Mitchell Jamel Avatar
    Mitchell Jamel

    Hi Brad,

    Thanks for making this tutorial , I am having some issues with the skin and thesis 1.84

    MD2 2.2.5

    My question is as follows if you delete the custom-sample dir in thesis that also deletes the layout.css and custom.css

    Also in 2.2.5 the dir is named upload and in 2.2.4 it is named MD

    are these dir to be installed in thesis 1.84 under Custom or in lieu of custom? I been moving them around with the same results (not Installed )

    Thanks for any and all help

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Mitchell

      Update: Updating a skin is different to installing a new skin as you don’t update the dat file

      I haven’t yet updated to 2.5 so i’ll need to take a look.

      I’ll be writing a tutorial on how to safely update within the next couple of days.

      Firstly, always backup your site before updating. This includes your Thesis options and database.

      Step 1. Upload the contents of the “upload” folder (Not the folder) you received in the 2.2.5 update into your /wp-content/themes/thesis_184/custom/md/ folder

      Don’t worry. You’ll soon master how to update Kolakube skins because Alex will be adding heaps of great features on a regular basis!


  2. A lot is left uncovered after setting permissions don’t you think?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Sure is BGR. You’ll find more in the Kolakube Tutorial Series. This post simply focuses on the easiest way for absolute beginners to create a feature box without any frustration or technical challenges. Did you read the full article BGR? What do you think i missed?

      If there’s anything you need, i am more than happy to help all my readers

  3. Awesome writeup Brad! Going to include a link to this in our docs section.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Best damn Thesis theme on the planet Alex!

      You are welcome to write a guest post anytime.

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