Migration Service For WordPress At Zero Cost

Having a problem with a slow loading website?

Or maybe you’re annoyed by poor service?

I’m offering a free service for anyone who wants to move to a new host.

I’ve personally moved between these 5 hosts so i know what i’m doing.

See my testimonials for more on this.

  • Hostgator
  • Web Synthesis
  • Bluehost
  • WPEngine

I can offer this migration service if you want to move to any host which uses cPanel or 2 others which don’t.

They are:

  1. WPEngine
  2. Media Temple

WPEngine normally charge $300 for a migration service.

Media temple charge $150  for this service as well.

Recommended Host for WordPress

WPEngine is hands down the fastest hosting provider for WordPress sites.

I’ve moved to them and couldn’t be happier with the speed.

If you’re not happy at your current host, i’ll take care of everything.

What I get In Return

While this service is free, i do ask you use my affiliate link so i’m compensated for the work.

It won’t cost you anymore using my link and most hosts also offer a 30 day money back guarantee so there’s no risk.

Note: The free service is limited to 1 WordPress installation and a max. 100mg total file size. Please use the contact form and ask for a quote if it exceeds this limit.

Prefer to Migrate Yourself

If you prefer to migrate yourself, here’s a tutorial you my find helpful.

2 responses to “Migration Service For WordPress At Zero Cost”

  1. helenofmarlowe Avatar

    Lots of helpful info on your blog – I had hoped to find a trick that would tell us how to get responses when WP is broken. It’s not that I need to know how to do something –its that the “blogs I follow” no longer show up in my reader. I see from the forums that many people have been reporting this problem for months. Maybe I need to move to blogspot? Or, is there any way to actually get the attention of support staff at WP? Since I did not set up email notifications for the blogs I follow, I really have no way to find them now. Can you offer advice on either getting that fixed, or migrating to blogspot?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Helen

      Firstly, you have over 500 pages of content on your site but you are building rank for WordPress.com.

      Why don’t you built rank and domain authority for your own domain? This will build traffic and value for you NOT WordPress.com.

      I doubt you’ll get great support from a free hosted platform.

      I specialize in WordPress.org self hosted blogs not the free version because i can’t even access your server to fix your problem.

      What i can offer you is a free migration and setup service for self hosted version of WordPress

      Then i can help you solve your problems.

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