Current Plugins Installed On WP Sites

Here’s a list of the current plugins i have installed on this site.

Includes activate and inactive plugins.



Setup Aksimet if you haven’t already and prevent comment spam ruining your blogging experience.

Blue Captcha

You need a captcha when you offer membership registrations otherwise you will get heaps of spam registrations.

SI Captcha is another anti spam plugin for registrations which is very popular.

Select Candy Social Widget

Nice little social widget however i would like to find something different. Maybe retro style for a while.

Facebook Like to Download Plugin

New plugin purchased today which builds Facebook connections with people who have an interest in free downloads i offer.

I tested 3 tools for Facebook like for downloads and liked this plugin the best.

FeedBurner FeedSmith Extend

Helps redirect RSS feeds to a Feedburner account so your readers don’t miss out on your posts. Changed domains over a year ago so this is a good idea.

Genesis Simple Hooks

Great way to execute php code, html  shortcodes in any of the hook locations for Genesis theme users.

Currently using this for Facebook javascript and footer links.

Genesis Simple Sidebars

Display content in your sidebar which is relevant to the category of posts assigned to that taxonomy.

I use it to display a custom menu on the video series posts only, custom blog page archive and a few other custom sidebars.

Jetpack by

Most blogs should install the Jetpack plugin.

I like the email subscription service, contact forms, Carousel and sharedaddy social buttons.

Multiple Galleries

This won’t be needed now because WordPress 3.5 includes a new image gallery that’s a huge update.

You can now add multiple galleries in a post per page without the need to install this plugin.

PRO Player

Excellent little video player plugin which is a customized version of JW Player.

Proplayer is one of the best video player plugins for WordPress which can be setup quickly and easily.

PunchTab for WordPress

Testing out gamification. What do you think?

Currently using this for  a monthly giveaway as well.

Rich Text Tags, Categories, and Taxonomies

Adds a HTML editor so you can add introductory content to your category, tag and custom post type archive pages.

s2Member Framework

Great membership plugin which i use for my video tutorial series for beginners.

Based on my experience setting up membership sites, S2 member plugin enables anyone to setup a membership site easier than any other plugin.


Simple plugin for grouping together a series of posts which i use for my video series.

Sidebar Login

Works well with the s2member plugin to enable members a way to login and/or register.

Simple URLs

Easy way to track hits on links.

Wordfence Security

Excellent all in one security plugin for WordPress.

Includes limit login attempts, built in function to scan you files for changes, notifiy you by email for lockouts and I.P bans.

WordPress SEO

Comprehensive all in one SEO plugin.

If you haven’t already, i suggest you install and setup WordPress SEO by Yoast and import your existing SEO settings using SEO Data Transporter.


Contest Domination

Love this plugin as it creates a really nice landing page for contests and giveaways.

Add a nice image of the prize and you can connect it to Aweber and MailChimp to gather email addresses and enable social sharing.

Easing Slider

Soon to be renamed Nivo Slider Lite.

I was thinking about adding a slider to the homepage however i might use the Genesis responsive slider instead.

Genesis Responsive Slider

Nice slider plugin for widget area’s however its not as flexible as Easing Slider (Nivo Slider Light)

Genesis Tabs

After changing themes the images didn’t align correctly with the text links so i’ve disabled this plugin.

Jetpack Extras by Barry Carlyon

Use this for displaying Jetpack social buttons before the post content however it looks a bit cluttered so i disabled it for now.

Post Type Switcher

The current theme i’m using includes a custom post type for the portfolio function.

I’ll probably use this plugin to convert existing posts in a series to the portfolio post type or vise versa.

WordTwit Pro

I turn this plugin on when sharing posts to Twitter.


I use this to remove spam comments and other built up data which bloats the db.

One of the best plugins for optimizing your database.


Bit different to the plugins active on WP Sites last time i reported.

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