Redirect Blogger URL’s To WordPress

There’s several ways to redirect all your Blogger url’s for posts, pages and everything else to WordPress.

These instructions should be followed before installing the new plugin for importing Blogger content to WordPress.

The first and recommended method is to install the Blogger 301 redirect plugin.

You will need to install the self hosted version of WordPress before you can install the plugin.

Once you have installed the plugin in WordPress, follow these steps:

Note: Click All Images To Enlarge

1. Set your Timezone – Go to (Setting > General > Timezone)

Set Time Zone

2. Go to Settings > Permalinks > Custom Structure and Change your Permalinks Structure to /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html

Change Permalink Settings

3. Install the new Blogger Importer plugin and import your content to WordPress.

4. Go to the Blogger 301 Redirect plugin options and check these 3 boxes.

  • Redirect Blogger Post feeds to WordPress feeds
  • Redirect Blogger Comment feeds to WordPress feeds
  • Redirect Blogger archives to WordPress

Blogger 301 Redirect Options

5. Login to your Blogger Dashboard and click Template

Click Blogger Template

6. Click Backup/Restore

Backup and Restore

7. Download Full Template (Just in Case you make a mistake)

Download Full Template

8. Click Edit HTML


9. Delete all the code in the Template and replace it with the code the plugin generates.

Delete ALL the HTML code in your entire Blogger template:

Check the box to expand Widget Templates

Delete Blogger Template HTML Code

10. Grab the code which the plugin has generated.

Looks like this.

New Blogger html template code

11. Paste the new code into your Blogger template and click Save.

New Blogger Template  HTML

12. Delete Widgets and Save Template

Delete Widgets and Save Template

If you are using the old classic Blogger template, use the code which the plugin generates for Method 2 (Classic Template).

All your links from Blogger posts should now be redirecting perfectly to the correct posts on your WordPress blog.


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