Google Recommends Following 5 Best Practices For In Depth Articles

Google published a new post today about In Depth Articles in Search Results.

The post lists 5 main points which will help Google better understand and more accurately index your content.

The top 3 points are all well supported by the new Genesis 2.0 design framework which includes built in support for Schema & authorship markup as well as paginated posts.

Here’s 5 posts which provide solutions on:

  1. How to add custom Schema/Microdata markup in Genesis
  2. How To Enable HTML 5 In Genesis 2.0 Child Themes
  3. How to Change Genesis Default Microdata Settings
  4. How To Add Google Authorship in Genesis for Single & Multiple Authors in WordPress
  5. How To Add Next & Previous Nav Links To Single Custom Post Types
  6. Over 20 Ideas On How To Create Compelling Content

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