How To Fix Outreach Theme Header Problem & Add Different Sized Images

In this tutorial, i’ll show you how to fix any problems you may experience with the Outreach themes header image.

If you find the default header image in this theme becomes cut-off, this tutorial will help you fix the problem.

Note: This solution relates to the old Outreach theme running XHTML markup and not the new Outreach Pro theme running HTML 5 markup.

default header image

You can see in the image above there’s a grey area on the far right.

What you can do to fix this is simply change the CSS code for the header on Line 184 from repeat-y to repeat-x.

Here’s the code you should copy and paste at the end of your child themes style.css file before making the changes:

#header {
	background: #090909 url(images/header.png) center repeat-x;
	margin: 0 auto;
	min-height: 120px;
	overflow: hidden;
	width: 100%;

Now clear your browser cache and reload the page. The problem remains.

All you need to do now is remove the PHP code from your child themes functions.php which adds support for a custom header.

Here’s the code which needs to be removed.

/** Add support for custom header */
add_theme_support( 'genesis-custom-header', array(
	'width' 	=> 	1060,
	'height' 	=> 	120
) );

Now refresh your page and you’ll find the problem has been solved.

fixed header

But wait! The site title text has gone and i can’t display the sites description either.

To fix this, simply go to Genesis > Theme Settings > Header and select to show text from the small dropdown menu in this section of the settings. These settings do not display if the above PHP code for adding a Custom Header remained in the file, but it does now after we’ve removed that code.

Genesis Header Settings

So the site title now displays using the text you’ve added in the General Settings but the site description doesn’t even though you have added it also.

site title text

To fix this simply remove the code from Line 212 in your child themes style.css file. Here it is:

#description {
	display: none;

Another option is to remove that code and paste it at the end of your file changing the display: none; decalration to color: white; like this:

#description {
	color: white;

Here’s what it looks like now:

display site description

But what about changing the header image to another? You can do this simply by removing the default header.png file in your child themes image folder and replacing it with another exactly the same size. Make sure you use the same file name and file extension.

This is what you get:

new header image

The header is centered but you can see the background color on the left and right side of the image. This won’t be the case if you have changes the repeat-y to repeat-x as mentioned earlier:

new header repeat

How about using a different sized header? You can do this also by uploading it to your images folder as well. In this example, the new header is 1200px width by 250px height and here’s what it looks like:

higher header cut off

The width is perfect but its cut off and only displaying 120px height rather than the true size which is 250px.

To fix this simple change the height value in your child themes style.css file from 120px to 250px on Line 226.

.header-image #title-area,
.header-image #title,
.header-image #title a {
	display: block;
	float: left;
	height: 250px;
	overflow: hidden;
	padding: 0;
	text-indent: -9999px;
	width: 400px;

There’s no need to change the height value on Line 186 even though it remains at 120px.

Here’s the new header displaying 250px in height:

new header image height

You’ll also find the header right widget works regardless of the header height.

But how about adding a logo which is only partially the width of the header? You can also upload your logo image to the images folder and this is what you get:

partial width logo

This result also assumes you’ve changed the repeat-x back to repeat-y in the CSS code on Line 184 otherwise you partial width image will repeat across the entire width of your header.

How about moving the logo image to the left rather than the center and also changing the background color?

To move the logo to the left simply change the value on Line 184 from centre to left:

#header {
	background: #090909 url(images/header.png) left repeat-y;
	margin: 0 auto;
	min-height: 120px;
	overflow: hidden;
	width: 100%;

And here is what you get:

left aligned logo

You can also change the code on Line 185 from margin: 0 auto; to margin-left: 145px; which will bring your logo in line with your nav menu. On top of this, the same code controls the background color for partial width images which is set as #090909 by default which you can also change.

If you add margin-left to the logo in the above code, you will also need to change the values for the header right widget as well if using it.

If you’ve recently installed the Outreach theme, i hope this helped solving any header problems.

23 responses to “How To Fix Outreach Theme Header Problem & Add Different Sized Images”

  1. Hii Brad,

    I am using Outreach Pro. I want the site title to have a forced return so that it becomes to lines of text where I want it to break. I tried adding the and it appears as text…HELP!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Members only

  2. Keith Davis Avatar
    Keith Davis

    Hi Brad
    Just looking at Outreach for a client.
    His logo is orange and Outreach has a fabulous orange option.

    I’m also putting out a post on Outreach and I’ll give you a link.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Great theme in my opinion Keith.

      Thanks for another link.

      Most web designers just take everything and don’t even give 1 link.

      Hope i can get more exposure in the U.K.

      1. Keith Davis Avatar
        Keith Davis

        My pleasure Brad

  3. Hi,

    I am using this theme and would like to continue using text as the header logo, but I want a custom background image in the header instead of a solid color. How would I go about doing this while keeping the site responsive?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Use the custom header uploader to add your image and display header text

  4. Hi,

    Do you have any instruction to fix the header to 1200 x 250 on Outreach Pro theme as well? I am working on the Outreach Pro theme and like to get a professional solution to adjust the header from 340 x 110 to 1200 x 250 as you instructed on the old Outreach theme. I guess it is a different place to fix for the Outreach Pro theme. I found the following from the style.css but not sure whether it is the right place to look at.

    Site Header
    —————————————————————————————————- */

    .site-header {
    background-color: #589b37;
    color: #fff;
    min-height: 110px;

    /* Widget Area
    ——————————————— */

    .site-header .widget-area {
    float: right;
    padding-top: 14px;
    padding-top: 1.4rem;
    text-align: right;
    width: 740px;

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You need to change the dimensions in both the Style.css file and functions file.

      1. Thanks very much. I got it.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Good stuff!

  5. Could I get some help centering my logo? It is currently set left.

    Thank you.

  6. Nevermind. I changed it from repeat -x to no-repeat and it works fine now.

  7. I followed your instructions to the T, replaced the header.png with the one that I want to use and it’s showing up just fine. But, although even with -x in lieu of -y for repeat, it’s still repeating. I can’t seem to get it to center. If I change the margins, then I get a gray background. I don’t understand why it continues to repeat. Site in development “”

  8. I stumbled onto here too after trying to fix the same problem. I agree with James! Thanks for putting this up for all of us struggling with this problem.

    I followed your instructions, but from the start I can’t get the background image to center. It keeps wanting to stay to the left. Any ideas? I was successful in getting it to repeat across but I really do just want it to be centered because I have a logo sitting off to one side. Is it possible that some other attribute is making it go left no matter what I do in the CSS?

    1. Make sure you do the second step that Brad mentioned which is to remove:
      /** Add support for custom header */
      add_theme_support( ‘genesis-custom-header’, array(
      ‘width’ => 1060,
      ‘height’ => 120
      ) );

      …from the functions file.

      1. Brad Dalton Avatar
        Brad Dalton

        That’s the key.

        You need to follow the steps as i tried dozens of variations when working out the solution.

        If you miss any steps, it may not work.

        Did you resolve this issue James?

        1. I have not resolved my logo issue. domain is zingrealty dot com. It’s one of my client’s sites. I’ve uploaded the logo file but I can’t get it to show up in the header where the logo would normally go. I’ve done this a dozen times on other Studiopress themes, but I’ve never had this problem. Can you make any suggestions?

          1. Brad Dalton Avatar
            Brad Dalton

            I would need to login and check different things to find out whats causing the issue including all the code.

            I’m sorry but that’s the only way i can properly find out what the problem is.

            If you can’t resolve the problem and need my help, please use the contact form.

      2. Christian Kaczmarczyk Avatar
        Christian Kaczmarczyk

        When I tried to do that my function.php got all messed up and I had to restore it from the beginning. Where did i go wrong?

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Hello Christian

          The only PHP code in this post comes straight out of the Outreach child themes functions file and determines the size of the Custom Header image.

          You need to be very careful when modifying PHP code however all you need to do is change values for height and width.

          What did you do?

  9. Brad,

    Came across your site while looking for a way to fix the Outreach header background image. Darn thing was wasn’t centered like in the Demo. I’m finding little things like this to be the case with nearly every Genesis theme I purchase. I’m sure StudioPress is aware of these issues. Why do you suppose they continue to let these themes with issues sit in the download area? If I were them, I would fix this stuff ASAP. Makes no sense to me. Luckily, there’s guys like you helping out all the Genesis customers. Thank You.

    1. Hey Brad,

      Now I’m having an issue getting the logo.png file to show up. I’ve chosen the “Image Logo” in the Genesis Theme Settings, and I’ve uploaded a new logo.png file to both the Genesis images folder and also to the Child Theme/Images/Red folder and I still can’t get the darn logo to show up. Do you possibly know what I could be doing wrong? Any tips are much appreciated. Also, I want to maintain the “Responsiveness” with any changes that are made. Thanks.

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