Show Full Post on Genesis Home Page & Excerpts on All Archives

If you go to Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives, you can select either full content or excerpts.

content archives

The only problem is, these options will affect any blog listings page, including archive, author, blog, category, search, and tag pages.

What if you want full post content on one archive and excerpts on another?

To display full post content on your home page and excerpts on all other archives, simply:

  1. Create a new front-page.php file using a code editor like Notepad++
  2. Copy and paste the PHP code below into your new front-page.php file
  3. Save and upload the file to the root directory of your child themes folder.

If your theme already includes a front-page.php, home.php or index.php file, add the following code to it before the closing genesis(); tag.

Here’s the code for logged in members:

Related Code Examples

18 responses to “Show Full Post on Genesis Home Page & Excerpts on All Archives”

  1. Rita Aspegren Avatar
    Rita Aspegren

    This doesn’t work for me. When I click on excerpts the front-page also gets excerpts. I have created a front-page.php and pasted the first code in your tutorial.

    What I want is full posts on front-page AND on all the pages I reach via pagination on front-page and following pages.
    I do not want featured images on front-page and following pages, but I want featured images on archive pages.
    And I would like to get rid of the extra title I get on the first page – which is a copy of the first entry.

    1. Forgot to say I’m using Twentyseven pro theme.

      1. Hm – me again. It seems to work if I do not chose static home page but last posts. And thats good enough for me.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Hello Rita.

          Yes, never choose static page for front page, always use Front page displays > Your latest posts

          If you want to remove the posts, use a custom front-page.php file.

  2. Linda Massey Avatar
    Linda Massey

    Hi Brad,
    I’m using Gallery Pro and would like to have excerpts on the front page / homepage and full content on the blog page. Can you help with this?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Here’s a complete tutorial

  3. Yep!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Tested locally it works for me. Please send me your login details using this secure form.

      Did you add a plugin or anything to do this as well?

      1. No plugins added to help with it.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          I noticed your theme includes a front-page.php file with widgets that when isn’t populated, displays †he posts but the code also needs the is_front_page() conditional which i added.

          Or you could simply delete the front-page.php file as you’re not using the widgets hard coded into it.

          1. I feel like I am crazy that it’s working on your end but not mine?

            When I go to page 2 I still see full posts:

            An archive page works perfectly:

            I cleared the cache and checked in 2 browsers…what am I missing?

  4. Brad-Following up from the Studiopress forum regarding this site:

    I wanted full posts on the home page and excerpts on all archives pages. I implemented the “alternate solution” above and no changes occurred on the site. Any insight would be appreciated.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      When you say home page, do you mean posts page or front page because they are different.

      1. I mean my posts page (which is the home page, I am not using the static page option on this site.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Add this at the end of your functions file using a code editor. Assumes you’re set the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives to show excerpts:

          remove_action( ‘genesis_entry_content’, ‘genesis_do_post_content’ );
          remove_action( ‘genesis_post_content’, ‘genesis_do_post_content’ );
          add_action( ‘genesis_entry_content’, ‘full_post_content’ );
          add_action( ‘genesis_post_content’, ‘full_post_content’ );
          function full_post_content() {
          if ( is_home() ) {
          the_content( __( ‘[Read more…]’, ‘genesis’ ) );
          else {

          1. I added and now only get full posts on all pages.

          2. Brad Dalton Avatar
            Brad Dalton

            How about your settings?

            Assumes you’re set the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives to show excerpts:

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