Genesis Tabbed Content Template

This tutorial provides code for adding tabs in a page.


The template enables you to show and hide content simply by clicking each menu item.

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Installation & Setup Instructions

Simply upload the file to your child themes root directory and select the template from the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen.

Then you can add the HTML with your own content directly into your editor.

You can use this template with the full screen layout or any other layout like content sidebar.

You can also use this template on as many pages as you like.

There’s 3 simple steps involved.

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One response to “Genesis Tabbed Content Template”

  1. […] This tutorial includes all the code which enables yo to make a page template with tabs. It uses a tiny bit of jQuery and some HTML. No CSS required. Simply upload the page template to your Genesis child themes root directory and select the template from the Page Attributes box on any Page Edit screen. As simple as that! […]

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