Genesis Featured Posts With Pagination

The code in this tutorial enables you to display entries for posts or custom post types in columns styled like a widget area. In the following example, the entries are displayed in 3 columns on the front page of the Infinity Pro child theme by StudioPress.

The code will work in any Genesis child theme.

The code produces a result which is similar to the Genesis featured posts widget however all functionality is far easier to modify and includes pagination.

The code enables you to add the following default functionality modified or unmodified for each post :

  • Show entry title
  • Display post info
  • Add featured image
  • Display excerpt with character limit
  • Include custom field content
  • Display entries in 2, 3, 4 or 6 column grid
  • Display working pagination

All functionality listed above can be removed or modified from within the safety of your child theme.

Here’s the demo video showing all the above functionality as well as the mobile responsiveness of the columns.

Video Demo

The video demo shows how the pagination works, what happens when you add a new post to the loop and how the column of entries display full width on screens 800px or less. The first 3 entries in the loop also output custom field content.

Tested using the Infinity Pro child theme by StudioPress. Should work fine in other Genesis child themes which use a front page template with widget areas however the code in front-page.php template and CSS will need modification.

Code Installation

There’s 3 steps :

Step 1 : Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file in the download folder to your themes functions.php.

Step 2 : Copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file in the download folder to the end of your child themes style.css file.

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6 responses to “Genesis Featured Posts With Pagination”

  1. Miranda Seacrist Avatar
    Miranda Seacrist

    Sure, how do I send you a copy of my theme?

  2. Miranda Seacrist Avatar
    Miranda Seacrist

    I installed this onto my site but when I click the pagination nothing really happens, it says I’m on page 2, or whichever page I clicked, but it’s still showing the same posts

    1. Hello Miranda. Which theme are you using and version? Please link to the archive page on your live site.

      1. Miranda Seacrist Avatar
        Miranda Seacrist

        I’m using the Business Pro theme, version 1.1.0

        1. Miranda, the tutorial is written specifically for use with the Infinity Pro child theme by StudioPress, is tagged with the Infinity Pro Theme tag and the demo video shows it works as described when using the Infinity Pro child theme along with the front page widget areas. The tutorial also discloses you will need to modify the code for use in other Genesis child themes.

          I have spent some time re-testing the code and it works perfectly in Infinity Pro.

          As your theme of choice is no longer included in the StudioPress Pro Plus Package, i cannot test it however what i can do for you, if you send me a copy of your theme, is publish a custom tutorial which may take at least 1 hour of work.

          There’s no reason the PHP code wouldn’t work in the front page template ( the archive page template ) of any theme as long as you activate one of the front page widget areas.

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