Add 3rd Nav Menu To Genesis & Combine With Mobile Menu

This code adds a 3rd nav menu to any Genesis child theme.

It also adds the 3rd menu to the mobile menu which combines all 3 menus when the responsive menu icon is toggled.

Tested using the Magazine Pro child theme by StudioPress.

In this case the third menu is named Footer Menu and you can see the menu items added in the below screenshot appearing in the mobile menu in the above screenshot :

Video Demo

Shows the 3rd menu added before the footer which is also included in the responsive mobile menu on smaller screens.

Code Installation

These steps relate to adding the menu to the Magazine Pro theme however they will give you a good idea how to use this solution in other Genesis child themes.

Note : Support for code installation is included for registered users.

Register or login to access the code and instructions.

Combine Genesis Menus When Mobile Responsive

If you’re using a newer version of the Genesis Sample theme or a Genesis/StudioPress child theme which requires version 3.0 or later, you’ll need to combine your menus using the following PHP edit.

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2 responses to “Add 3rd Nav Menu To Genesis & Combine With Mobile Menu”

  1. Joelle Reeder Avatar
    Joelle Reeder

    I’m unclear how to make this work for Genesis Sample Theme 3.4.1

    I have a couple additional menus, I’d like them to display in the main responsive menu, but I can’t seem to find how to do that. This tutorial isn’t relevant with my theme, I don’t think.. I’d appreciate any insight. 🙂 Thanks!

    1. Hello Joelle

      I have updated the tutorial with a solution for newer versions of the Genesis Sample theme under the sub header Combine Genesis Menus When Mobile Responsive

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