Reduce Height of Essence Pro Hero Image Excluding Front Page

This tutorial shows you how to modify the height of the header hero image on all pages excluding the front page.

Here’s a example showing the default header hero height on the left and a much smaller hero image on all inner pages :

Demo Video #

Shows the reduced height of the header hero image on all inner pages including single posts and single pages.

Installation Steps

There’s 2 steps :

# Step 1 : Copy & paste the following PHP code to the end of your child themes functions.php file.

Should look something like this :

Step 1

# Step 2 : Copy & paste the following CSS to the end of the Essence Pro themes style.css file and clear caching.

2 responses to “Reduce Height of Essence Pro Hero Image Excluding Front Page”

  1. David Bega Avatar
    David Bega

    Hi Brad,
    Do this fix work on mobile as well? Does it not distort the image on mobile when increasing image height?

    1. I think it works pretty well but give it a try otherwise you can use different sized image for mobiles screens.

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