Aweber WordPress Opt in Widget Helps You Build Your List From Reader Comments

Aweber web formAwebers web form plugin for WordPress was created earlier this year to allow WordPress users to insert a sign up form on their blogs quickly & easily.

Aweber has now upgraded the widget so your site visitors can now sign and join your list even when they comment or register on your site.

Add Subscribers from Comments Form

WordPress Subscribe Checkbox for Comments

Another new feature Aweber has added is a Dashboard pane so you can easily check how well your sign up form is converting readers to subscribers.

Aweber Dashboard Pane for WordPress

Mailchimp via the Gravity forms addon, also offer this feature as well.

Building your list from both registered users & readers who leave comments means you’re building a list of quality readers who are already engaging and interested in your content.

If you haven’t started building your list, you can test Aweber for $1 for one month.


One response to “Aweber WordPress Opt in Widget Helps You Build Your List From Reader Comments”

  1. […] post i will show you how to build subscribers from your blog comments & registrations using  Awebers new web form plugin & widget features. Never Miss a […]

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