Create a Custom Sales Page Using a WordPress Plugin

There’s several ways you can create a sales page in WordPress.

You’ve probably seen some great looking examples on other people’s sites and even used some on them when you’ve purchased products on their sites.

Still trying to work out how to create a landing page which fits in with your sites design without the need to create code?

There’s several sales & landing page plugins for WordPress which i have installed and used myself.

Here’s 4 plugins which offer different solutions to solve the problem of creating sales & landing pages for your WordPress site.

Maxfoundry  is very easy to use however it uses different page templates which won’t exactly match your existing theme. You can match the colors of your existing theme but would need to edit php & css code to make it exactly the same as your existing themes page template.

Premise which creates a new page that you can match to your existing theme and can filter out the navigation menu, footer and sidebar. Premise does take some time to get used to and while it creates nice looking sales pages, allow for several days before you’ve mastered how to customize your page correctly.

WP Sales Letter is a new plugin which makes it easy to create a letter within the content area of a page. It won’t effect your existing site layout or interfere with your header, navigation menu’s or footer. Your existing theme’s look and feel remain unaffected after you install this plugin and easily customize your sales page.

The plugin filters out your existing sidebar and adds a range of custom fields to choose from so you can easily create a professional looking landing page which matches your sites design.

You can check out the video example and see for yourself how easy it is to create & customize a your page for selling your products online.

Visual Composer provides one of the easiest ways to create custom designed pages in WordPress using drag and drop.You could use a theme like Headway or Pagelines but then you’d have to change themes.

Simply install this plugin and you get all the flexibility to create quality custom designed pages that normally only experienced web designers could create. Watch the video to see how visual composer works and examples of what you can do with this plugin.

No technical or coding skills required.

WP Sales Letter plugin also offers a built in JW Video Player and Audio Player. All you need to do upload your media files and paste the url to the audio or video file.

Visual Shortcodes Create Professional Styling

Shortcodes are extremely useful when working with WordPress.

When you’re working with a layout that is visual in nature like a sales letter, a couple brackets really don’t mean much to you. You can’t see what the final product is going to look like.

The solution to this problem is to use “Visual Shortcodes”.

What’s a Visual Shortcode? Well, it really comes down to two things. First highlight what you want and two add the style and instantly you’ll see what the output will look like.

It’s very easy to do and use.

Watch the video to see how our Visual Shortcodes work.

Sales Page Tips

One of the reasons i believe the WP Sales Letter plugin is a great solution for selling online is because it provides a guide on the sales process.

While product features are an important part of a sales page, features alone generally won’t “close the sale” for you. What will close sales for you is selling the benefits your product provides to fix a problem which is causing pain & frustration.

Solving a problem which is a giant pain in the neck like the WP Sales Letter Plugin does by fixing the problem of not understanding custom css & php coding.

If you don’t use this plugin, you’ll need to create CSS and PHP code which isn’t easy to learn and will generate even more pain and frustration.

Imagine if installing a sales page plugin helps you bypass the need to add coding to your existing theme but creates a page which uses css and php which is already built into the plugin.

The existing look and feel for your site remains unaffected and you can style the content area of your sales page using the design options which the plugin provides as a way to avoid custom coding.


  • If you looking for a very simple sales page plugin and you don’t need to match your sales page with your existing theme, checkout the benefits Maxfoundry offers.
  • If you need to filter out your navigation menu and/or header, Premise Landing page plugin offers this feature.
  • If you simply want to create a professional looking sales page or sales letter within your existing themes page templates, WP Sales Letter plugin provides the best solution.
  • Your theme already offers different types of pages so you only need a plugin to design the layout styling and appearance of your content then Visual Composer is the best solution.

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One response to “Create a Custom Sales Page Using a WordPress Plugin”

  1. Hetal Morabia Avatar
    Hetal Morabia

    I believe your site has one of the best look and feel appeal. Some suggestions though, please see if you can beautify the widgets, that shall make the site more appealing. Good work here, would like to replicate the same on my blog.

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