Genesis eNews Extended Integrates With MailChimp AWeber FeedBlitz & Mad Mimi

You may have read my recent post about Google shutting down their Feedburner API.

Because of this, Copyblogger media’s StudioPress themes has decided to slowly phase out the existing eNews widget which is part of the Genesis theme framework core files.

The good news is they are supporting a new plugin which is even better and has been developed by the community.

Genesis eNews Extended

This is a new plugin which creates a widget to easily add mailing list integration to websites using Genesis and StudioPress themes.

Works with:

  • FeedBurner
  • Mad Mimi
  • MailChimp
  • AWeber
  • FeedBlitz
  • and more email service providers.

The existing eNews Widget only supports Feedburner which has always been a problem for anyone who prefers to use their own email service.

Note: Even though the plugin developer has only created one plugin, he is supported by StudioPress and they are backing this plugin which is great news.

Integration with MailChimp

Login to MailChimp and go to:

  • Lists
  • Select the list you want to connect with the eNews widget
  • Click on ‘Forms’
  • Click on ‘For Your Website’
  • Click on Sign up form embed code
  • Copy the form code into notepad and find the url which relates to your ‘form action’

Generate Form Code MailChimp

  • Simply add the url next to the form action which you can copy from your form code.
  • Enter the email field as is displayed in your form code.
  • Enter any hidden fields (if shown in your form code)

Widget Setup

The MailChimp code i used to test this form didn’t include any hidden fields and the email subscribe form tested perfectly when i tested it.

Contact your email service provider for the form action and hidden fields details if you get stuck integrating the plugin with any other email services.


  • Excellent plugin which provides an easy solution for adding a email sign up form to all StudioPress themes built on the Genesis framework.
  • Easily integrate the major email marketing services providers like Aweber, MailChimp, Feedblitz & Feedburner into your WordPress theme.

Not sure why they don’t build this plugin code into the Genesis core or simply change the existing widget with this new plugin.

More About Genesis eNews Extended Plugin


6 responses to “Genesis eNews Extended Integrates With MailChimp AWeber FeedBlitz & Mad Mimi”

  1. Lindsay Avatar

    Do you only need to copy and paste the part of the link that shows up in the orange box in your image, i.e. the part that ends with “&”? Or do I need to copy whatever comes after it?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      For which provider?

  2. Manish Madhuakar Singh Avatar
    Manish Madhuakar Singh

    Brad, it’s super easy and cool plugin. getting a good looking feedburner subscription box in seconds is really amazing..

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Agree 100% Manish.

      Its a great plugin and the author is now a Automatician.

  3. Brandon Kraft Avatar
    Brandon Kraft

    Brad — thanks for this write-up and for the YouTube video. My understanding on why they didn’t add this to Genesis core was a desire to streamline the code more and to reduce the pressure to add more “features” to core that could be easily added via a plugin for those sites who needed the extra feature.

    It doesn’t replace the existing one mostly because of history. The extended widget was released back in April (or so) and already add about a thousand downloads before StudioPress contact me and opted to promote Extended. To save those early-adopters trouble, I didn’t modify the plugin to assume the previous widget’s settings, which would have broken it for those other folks (or, at least, added bloat to the code for a relatively small subset of users).

    I hope it’s relatively painless for users to switch over–especially those coming over from Feedburner since it’s only one simple settings to reset!


    1. Hi Brandon. Great little plugin.

      I like the fact there’s dozens of different plugins built exclusively for the Genesis framework. I think this is the best way to go because different theme owners can install the plugin they need. I know the framework is very effecient and in my opinion the best overall package.

      Would really like to see your plugin integrate with Jetpack subscriptions as well.

      Thanks for your comments.

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