Add 2 Widgets Inline Before The Loop On Home Page Of The Education Theme

In this tutorial, i’ll show you how best to add 2 widgets inline before the Loop.

This code has been tested using the Education child theme by StudioPress and may work on other themes ‘as is’ or with a slight amount of tweaking. More on that later.

Kevin asked this question on the StudioPress Community Forums:

On this site Pickering Middle School I have a featured widget called ‘PICKERING NEWS HIGHLIGHTS’. I’d like to split that into two columns – one half for the news and one for daily/weekly announcement. I know I can set the width to 50% on the home-featured class but how do I get a second column next to it?

add 2 widgets inline before the loop

Here’s all the code which needs to be copied from the view raw links and pasted into the files each code block is marked with.

  1. The functions.php file goes at the end of your child themes functions.php file.
  2. The home.php code goes at the end of your child themes home.php file before the closing genesis() tag
  3. The style.css code goes near the end of your child themes style.css file before the start of the Media Queries.
  4. The mobile responsive.css needs to be pasted in the Media Queries section of your style.css file near the end of the file.

Note: I’ve forced the full width layout on the home page however this is optional and you can remove this code if you like.

Simply remove this code from the home.php file code in the above Gist.

add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', '__genesis_return_full_width_content' );

And here’s what it would look like:

with sidebar

If you’re having problems using this code on other themes, try reducing the percentage value for the width for each widget in the CSS code.


4 responses to “Add 2 Widgets Inline Before The Loop On Home Page Of The Education Theme”

  1. Hi Brad

    As usual, great info!

    I have a request- Please include a “search box” on the website if possible. It would help us a lot.

    Thanks a lot once again.


    Raunek k

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Thanks for the feedback Raunek.

      I am working on adding a search box and value your feedback.

      I also have a request.

      Please use your real name in full and an avatar of your face.

      Lets keep this real and have a meaningful conversation.


      1. Hi Brad

        Raunek is my real name 🙂

        About the avatar, will upload it soon.

        Thanks for the great info.

        Raunek k

  2. Brad,
    Thanks. This worked out great. I just need to add a little more styling and it will be just what I need. One question: I kept the other widget areas on the homepage so I didn’t use this code ‘printf( ”, genesis_attr( ‘featured-widgets’ ) );’ What does the div %s and the genesis_attr mean? Just trying to get a better understanding of how things work.
    Thanks for the help

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