Add Custom Genesis Loop With Pagination After Front Page Widgets

Cara asked this question on the SP forums recently which i’ll answer in this post and also provide the code which can be easily modified.

I’m trying to display a list of recent posts below the home top widget on a site. Currently I’m using the featured posts widget to display 3 recent posts in the home middle, but this doesn’t allow me to display navigation links to additional previous posts below the last post.

I tried using the Genesis Featured Widget Amplified, but I can’t get it to save the setting that displays all the content. I can only get it to display an excerpt, which is not what my client wants.

I also tried adding the Genesis Grid Loop code to the end of my front-page.php file but that just displays recent posts above the home-top widget area, and I need them to be below it.


Here’s the code you can use to display a grid loop or features with pagination after the front page widget sections.

The code can be pasted at the very end of your front-page.php or home.php file.

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