After Header Feature Box With Subscribe Form & Background Image

This tutorial enables you to add a widget area after the header which you can use for a featured box. You can add a text widget with some copy and the Genesis eNews Subscribe widget. You can also add a default background image pulled from your child themes images folder which can be changed via the WordPress customizer.

Click to enlarge the full screen demo image:


Mobile responsive demo:


Tested on the Beautiful Pro child theme by StudioPress.

Based on this question from a member of the Genesis community:

I want to have a full-width feature box in the header of beautiful pro theme. This is an example of what I would like to achieve:


Here’s the tutorial & code for logged in members:


2 responses to “After Header Feature Box With Subscribe Form & Background Image”

  1. marielle Avatar

    Can this be used in the Genesis Sample theme and if so what would I need to do?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      On holidays at the moment but give it a go as it should work.

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