This post includes all the code which creates a custom portfolio style template that works on the Genesis theme framework.
The code creates a widget area which you simply populate with the Genesis featured posts widget and configure the widget settings to your own liking.
When you hover over the featured images, the title and excerpt appear with a transparent background. The effect is the same as what the StudioPress Agency Pro themes front page displays for the home middle widget area.
The code has been taken from this theme and modified to work with a custom page template i have created.
Here’s an example which also includes a background image using Backstretch(optional):
Check out the full page screen shot example at the end of this post.
Create The Page Template
And here’s the mobile View @630 px width which looks pretty slick in my opinion.
Here’s the mobile View @267 px width.
Note: The background will display the full length of the post when viewed on any size screen. The reason it doesn’t in these screenshots is because it uses Javascript which doesn’t work when using a screenshot app like Awesome screenshot.
Once you’ve added all the code, you can simply follow the setup details for the Agency Pro themes Background and Middle home widgets which you can access from the Download area in my studioPress.
Go to My StudioPress > Downloads > Agency Pro > Theme Setup.
Don’t Own Genesis or The Agency Pro Theme?
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