Genesis Blog Page Template Grid With Equal Height Entries – Wellness Pro

This template displays your posts in columns with equal height for each entry regardless of :

  • Title length
  • Content length
  • Featured image size

The template code is written to work with the Wellness Pro child theme by StudioPress and is a modified version of this template which was tested using the Essence Pro theme.

Genesis Blog Template Grid Equal Height

Demo Video #

Shows the blog page displaying posts in 3 columns with equal height for each entry regardless of title, image or excerpt content length.

Should work fine in most Genesis child themes without modification otherwise, try the blog page tag for templates tested in other child themes.

Note : While the code works with any sized featured images its best practice to crop your images to the exact same size before uploading theme on single posts.

Installation Steps

Download Folder

There’s 2 steps :

# Step 1 : Upload the page_blog.php file from the download folder to your child themes root directory and select the Custom Blog page template from the Templates drop down menu on the Edit Page screen.

# Step 2 : Copy & paste the following CSS to the end of your child themes style.css file and clear caching.

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